Why StoreHippo is the best multi-store ecommerce solution for your business

By |Updated Date : Jul 09, 2024 | 2 Comments | 12875 views | Sep 08, 2017
  • Why StoreHippo is the best multi-store ecommerce solution for your business

Looking for ways to build your online brand? Want to do things differently than your competitors?

Wondering which business model can help you do this easily and fairly quickly?

How about trying the time-tested multi store ecommerce model?

Like the idea but not yet convinced?

Wondering how building multiple sub-stores helps you grow your ecommerce business?

Let’s check out.

Why You Should Leverage The Multi-Storefront Ecommerce Model For Your Enterprise

Having multiple sub-stores for your ecommerce business gives your brand the freedom to target buyers and markets with a more personalized approach.

Here are some trends that highlight the growing adoption of multi-store set up by enterprises planning to accelerate their ecommerce growth:

  • 80% of consumers are more likely to buy from brands offering personalized experiences
  • 32% of ecommerce businesses operate more than one online store
  • 38% higher revenue for companies managing multiple stores as compared to those with a single store
  • $3.4 trillion will be the value of  the global cross border ecommerce by 2028
  • 108% CAGR of global cross border ecommerce from 2023-2028
  • 28% of online businesses plan to expand internationally, making multi-store management a key enabler of global growth
  • 76% of online buyers prefer buying products with information in their native language

Source: Statista, McKinsey, Forbes, Juniper Research,  Epsilon Marketing

The key points of the above data-story highlight why the multi store set up is the key to unlock opportunities in the ecommerce domain. By building dedicated stores for different buyer segments, geographies and product lines enterprise brands get to go for targeted marketing, better engagement and higher conversions.

Advantages Of Multi Store Ecommerce Model

Every growing enterprise eventually comes to a situation where adding more stores for better customer engagement or expansion becomes a necessity. Having a chain of stores solidifies your enterprise brand’s market presence and gives you better insights for business growth.

Opting for the multi-storefront model is a smart way to stay ahead of competitors. The multiple storefront setup gives you the following benefits:

  • Build a strong brand presence and visibility with a chain of stores
  • Freedom to experiment with multiple product lines, store designs, marketing strategies etc.
  • Implement segmented customer targeting based on user-groups, location, product line etc.
  • Do away with comparison shopping by offering customized stores based on customer preferences
  • Use unique keywords and URLs for each store for better SEO results
  • Get relevant traffic and better conversions on each sub-store
  • Efficiently manage multi store ecommerce setup with central control

Implementing a multi-storefronts ecommerce model is a really appealing business idea that can give you higher ROI. However, choosing the right ecommerce platform for your online stores requires due diligence and evaluation of all the features offered by the chosen solution.

Why is StoreHippo the Best Multi Store Ecommerce Platform for your business?

When it comes to building multi-storefronts, you need a feature-rich solution that not only lets you create sub-stores quickly but also helps in customizing these stores in no time. StoreHippo offers the best multi-store ecommerce solution with an inbuilt feature to create and manage multiple sub-stores.

You do not need to buy additional subscriptions, apps or plugins to create multiple storefronts with StoreHippo. Also, you get a host of tools and features that can help you grow your business using the Multi-store model. 

Let us have a look at some of these;

When it comes to building multi-storefronts, you need a feature rich solutions that not only lets you create sub-stores quickly but also helps them customize in no time. StoreHippo offers the best multi store ecommerce solution with an inbuilt feature to create and manage multiple sub-stores.

You do not need to buy additional apps or plugins to create multiple storefronts with StoreHippo. Also, you get a host of tools and features that can help you grow our business using the multi-store model. 

Let us have a look at some of these;

1. Single Dashboard

Managing a multi store ecommerce setup can easily slip out of control if you do not get a central control switch. Yes, to build your network of sub-stores, you need a common admin that helps you operate, manage and get an overview of your different storefronts.

At StoreHippo, you can manage all your sub-stores from the common dashboard. This feature helps in easy management of the business by offering the following benefits;

  • Easy to set up different products ranges in the common database
  • Set up different payment, shipping and other integrations with a single login
  • Easy and hassle-free order and inventory management
  • Get different sales and analytics report in one place for easy comparison of stores’ performance in a multi store ecommerce setup
  • Better overall business management with common admin dashboard of multi shop website

StoreHippo has inbuilt order and inventory management solutions to help you assign different inventory for each of your sub-stores. You can choose from 30+ shipping integrations or add custom shipping solutions to streamline your supply chain. You can also manage your own fleet of delivery boys using the inbuilt delivery boy solution. 

You can also opt for multiple payment options which include credit card, debit card, mobile wallets, store credit, payment gateways, net banking, UPI, Paytm, COD etc. With StoreHippo you get to choose from 60+ integrated payment options to offer frictionless checkouts on all your the sub-stores of your multi store ecommerce platform.

2. Unique Store Designs

You certainly want to design the best storefronts to attract, engage and convert your customers. Afterall, your storefront is the face of your brand and a poor store design can drive customers away even before they explore your products and services.

This is where StoreHippo comes to your rescue. StoreHippo not only offers you 100+ device optimized themes but also allows you to customize a variety of themes for each of your stores in the multi store ecommerce set up. 

Check out how you can experiment with your sub-store themes while using StoreHippo;

  • Get similar or completely different look for each of your storefronts
  • Show device specific themes for each sub-store
  • Customize your design to highlight the USP of your business
  • Optimize designs for faster load time and improved performance
  • Design multilingual(full RTL support), multicurrency themes for better audience connect

StoreHippo comes with inbuilt drag and drop tools that help you customize your themes for different sub-stores. You don’t need to be a coding expert to create new themes or change the existing ones. You can easily mix and match your themes or switch between themes. StoreHippo also allows you to add multilingual static content as well as action buttons on your pages.  With StoreHippo multi store ecommerce platform you can easily create the engaging look and feel for your sub-stores that lead to higher conversions.

3. Fast And Easy Sub-Store Set Up

While building your multi-storefront ecommerce network, you want to have a quick turnaround and go-to-market time. Don’t you? Yes, definitely, because it helps you launch your products and target new markets and customers easily. With the dynamic changes in the ecommerce domain you cannot afford to spend ages building your new-sub store.

StoreHippo multi store ecommerce platform offers an easy and fast way to set up multiple storefronts within your store. The process is super easy and offers additional benefits like;

  • Allows to roll out niche sub stores in no time
  • Get a separate look, feel and design for each store without losing the brand objective
  • Offer different pricing and deals on same products at different sub-stores
  • Create dynamic pages to run target driven campaigns
  • Create dynamic forms to capture user inputs or grow your mailing list

StoreHippo comes with a host of inbuilt features that help you roll out your sub-stores in no time. What’s more you can create personalized landing pages, marketing pages etc on the fly. Using the inbuilt form builder you can easily add pre-built or custom forms to capture diverse customer inputs and requirements easily.

4. Open To Customizations

The whole point of starting a multi store ecommerce set-up is to create different storefronts for different uses. To execute this in a way that offers maximum ROI, you need a solution that is easily customizable and allows you great flexibility to play around with your ideas and requirements.

Storehippo is an inherently flexible ecommerce platform which can be tweaked inside out according to your business requirements. The inherent scalability of the platform ensures that it grows with your business and allows you to adapt to the diverse requirements of the dynamic ecommerce industry

Check how its flexibility gives you a wide range of choices;

  • Tweak the multi store ecommerce platform to meet unique business requirements
  • Customize each store’s product, pricing,deal and discounts, shipping and checkout
  • Customize content for each sub-store
  • Share customizations across sub-stores as and when needed
  • Customize overall look and feel for guided navigation and faster conversions

StoreHippo the best multi-store ecommerce solution is built on the headless architecture which decouples the backend and the front end. The API-based structure helps you make changes to the backend or the frontend in no time. With StoreHippo multi storefront solution you can easily extend the existing entities or create new ones to suit your requirements.

 5. SEO And Marketing Benefits

One of the biggest advantages of setting up a multi store ecommerce business is that it gives you a tremendous opportunity to experiment with a variety of SEO and marketing strategies. You can have a unique strategy for each of your sub-stores and compare their relative merits to choose the one that works best. 

StoreHippo comes with in-built SEO tools that help you simplify and quicken your SEO efforts. By using the right strategies you can employ these tools to make your brand rank high on Google and other search engines. Sample some of the tools that will help in your efforts,

  • Get unique URL for each sub-store without losing the domain identity
  • Set separate keywords list for each store in your multi-storefront ecommerce network to get maximum SEO benefit
  • Set up unique meta details for each sub-domain for faster and higher SERP ranking
  • Set up optimized themes, Alt tags, automatic sitemap, blog and more for better search engine visibility of multi shop website
  • Drive targeted traffic to each store for assured conversions

Along with these inbuilt features, StoreHippo multi store ecommerce platform also comes with an inbuilt blog engine. The easy to use blog engine helps you create content and blogs to help you keep your customers informed about your products, services and market trends. Used effectively along with SEO tools blogging can help you build a brand value that differentiates you from your competitors.

6. Simplified Marketing Options

Every business needs a host of marketing tricks and strategies to be successful. With an ecommerce setup having multiple stores, you need a separate marketing strategy for each of your stores which aligns with your brands overall marketing strategy. This not only needs detailed planning but also the right tools to execute it.

Plan a better marketing strategy for your multi store ecommerce setup with StoreHippo marketing services and features. Grow your business with the right marketing mix of the following;

  • Set up separate email, SMS, mobile and browser push notifications of your sub-domains
  • Integrate with mailing software to send mail offers and newsletters
  • Set up online chat integrations for better customer engagement
  • Use abandoned cart recovery to bring back lost sales
  • Use easy upsell and cross sell features to increase your ticket size

StoreHippo multi-store ecommerce solution offers unified notifications to help you engage and communicate with your customers using multiple channels. A variety of other tools like discount engine, customer retargeting tools etc. help you convert your lost orders with personalized offers.

7.  Mobile Ready

Saving the best for the last, let's talk about how ecommerce is increasingly becoming more of m-commerce. Up to 80% of ecommerce orders are placed on smartphones or other mobile devices. If you have to survive and succeed in the race your multi-store website needs to be mobile ready. 

Built on the mobile-first principle StoreHippo multi store ecommerce platform helps you build mobile-ready solutions for higher conversions. You can leverage m-commerce for your business with StoreHippo and implement the following:

  • Build multiple storefronts that are mobile-ready
  • Get mobile ready themes for your storefronts
  • Get iOS and Android mobile apps for your business
  • Build PWA stores that look, feel and work like mobile apps
  • Take your business wherever you go with mobile ready Admin

Built on the MEAN stack StoreHippo builds lightweight and superfast stores that are mobile ready. You can also build separate mobile apps for each of your sub stores right from your admin dashboard. PWA stores help you reach even those markets where your customers have entry level devices and slow internet connection.


StoreHippo offers the best multi store ecommerce platform that can give your online business a new dimension. Along with these features and tools, StoreHippo comes with a host of other features that help you rule the hyperlocal as well as the global markets.

Engage your customers better by offering them diverse products through various storefronts on your multi store website. Reduce comparison shopping and retain your customers on your multi-storefront ecommerce set-up to improve your conversions.

Ready to explore StoreHippo multi-store features? Book a demo right away to get acquainted with the comprehensive multi store ecommerce solution.


1. Will it be possible to build sub-stores for two different business models using StoreHippo multi store ecommerce platform?

Ans: Yes, it is possible to build sub-stores for two different business models using StoreHippo's multi-store ecommerce solution. StoreHippo allows you to customize each sub-store individually, enabling you to cater to different business models and manage both stores from a centralized admin. For example you can have a B2B and a D2C store each catering to different buyer segments. You can tailor the product offerings, pricing, design, and functionalities of each sub-store to match the specific requirements of different business models and buyer groups.

2. In much time will StoreHippo multi-storefront ecommerce solution can build 5-7 sub-stores for different countries?

Ans: With StoreHippo you can easily build multiple stores within a few hours. However, the time required to set-up (add themes, products, pricing, unique flows, payment and shipping channels etc) these stores using StoreHippo can vary based on the complexity of the stores, the amount of customization needed. 

StoreHippo multi store ecommerce platform is designed for quick-go-to-market and you can expect your sub-stores up and running within a few weeks. For more detailed timelines, it is recommended to consult with StoreHippo’s support team with your unique requirements.

3. What apps will be needed to convert my multi store ecommerce network into multiple languages to cater to international buyers?

Ans:You will not require any additional apps to build a multilingual multi-store ecommerce network for global buyers. StoreHippo supports 100+ languages and you can implement IP-based language conversion or give multiple language options for your customers to help them choose their preferred language.

4. Can we build different mobile apps for the storefronts in our multi-store ecommerce network?

Ans: Yes, you can build different mobile apps for the storefronts in your multi-store set-up using StoreHippo. The platform comes with a built-in mobile apps builder using which you can create Android and iOS mobile apps for each sub-store. You will not have to go for additional coding for building these apps and you can create different apps, each app aligning with the specific branding, design, and functional requirements of the respective sub-store.

5. Can we create a multi-storefront ecommerce network with dealer-based sub-stores for our online marketplace? 

Ans: Yes, with StoreHippo’s built-in support for multi-vendor and multi-store ecommerce solutions you can create multiple dealer-based sub-stores to manage your dealer-network easily.   

This setup is ideal for an enterprise brand’s online marketplace where different dealers or vendors can have their sub-stores under a common umbrella. Each dealer can manage their own store while the main marketplace admin(s) can oversee the entire network. This is a win-win situation as dealers get an online channel to showcase and sell their products and admin(s) get better visibility and control of the business.

6. Can we implement payment in different currencies on different stores in my multi-storefront ecommerce network?

Ans: Yes, you can easily implement multi-currency payments on your sub-stores within your multi-store ecommerce set-up using StoreHippo. The platform supports multi-currency transactions, multi-currency invoicing and also comes with a built-in tax engine to help you with regulatory tax compliances in different countries. You can either use IP-based rules to set up payments in local currency of the respective country or region  a store serves or you can allow your buyers to choose their preferred currency from a list of currencies offered on your sub-stores. Each sub-store in your network can offer payments in the local currency and a

7. Does StoreHippo multi-store ecommerce solution have the provision to add different payment solutions for different sub-stores? 

Ans: Yes, StoreHippo's multi-store ecommerce solution comes with 60+ pre-integrated payment gateways and also has provision for store wallet, UPI payments and netbanking. You can easily add the preferred payment channels for different sub-stores. Each sub-store can integrate with its own set of payment gateways enabling your enterprise brand to offer frictionless checkouts to customers in different regions or markets.

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I would like to connect and know more about multi store ecommerce solutions from your brand

By: Mallika Patel
Nov 10, 2022   Reply

Replies :
Hi Mallika, thanks for appreciating our blog on Why StoreHippo is the best multi-store ecommerce solution for your business. If you need our help setting up an online store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Nov 09, 2022

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Sep 07, 2017   Reply

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