How To Ready Your Enterprise Ecommerce Business To Go D2C

By | Apr 11, 2021 | 2 Comments | 880 views |
  • How To Ready Your Enterprise Ecommerce Business To Go D2C

The popularity of ecommerce and online shopping is not a new story. The big players like Amazon, eBay and others have expanded faster than ever.

And then, COVID-19 happened. Surprisingly, when most of the businesses were facing cash flow concerns, it has accelerated the convenience movement for small, medium and large businesses.

The Post COVID era is going to be completely different. Most of the small to medium, and large enterprises are gaining huge popularity, online success, and turning their enterprise ecommerce dreams into reality. 

Here are some real-life examples:

  • The paint industry has a wide range of products and needs customized customer services. When planning to expand their reach,  an ecommerce store could be their one-stop solution could to serve customers across a wide geography. The online store could serve as a single-point contact/service where customers can book for fast and convenient painting services, order paints and get it all at their doorstep. The enterprise ecommerce platform can offer an easy to use solution for brands.  Large, traditional brick and mortar businesses like paints, cement, building material supply etc. to go online and reach new markets with a well-rounded multi-vendor solution.

  • The online retailing industry always needs their operations and processes to be streamlined, whether it is offline or online.  Their business goal is to offer exclusive couture to wide clientele across the country. The enterprise ecommerce store could be the best solution to serve customers in different areas of the country and get the products delivered. Some of the benefits of online portals include easy marketing and promotions with inbuilt marketing tools and discount engines, scalable portals to manage the needs of growing retail business, hassle-free integration with custom ERP systems.

If you have a large brick and mortar store or nothing to start with, the D2C (Direct-to-Consumer) can be a right choice for your online success. Because there are no heavy investments, hiring of a large IT team, building and maintaining the infrastructure, and much more.

What is D2C?

Direct-to-Consumer companies produce and deliver the products directly to the customers without any middlemen like brokers, wholesalers, or retail stores. It helps in reducing the selling price for customers and keep control over warehousing, manufacturing, sales, marketing, and distribution costs. Some of the most common digital channels for D2C are social media (Instagram, Facebook), and an online store along with mobile app. The key initiative of this model is to avoid the middlemen and reach the end customers directly.

  • Direct interaction with consumers

  • Reduced time to market

  • Full control on your brand identity

  • Leverage multiple sale channels

  • Take advantage of personalized recommendations

  • Understand the market performance better

  • Better business profits without any middlemen margins

Build a D2C business with StoreHippo

If you are also tired of handing your profits to retailers or wondering about the benefits of D2C ecommerce? Get into the Direct-to-Consumer ecommerce evolution to take your online business to the next level.

1. Get started in a fraction of time

A typical ecommerce website takes 18-36 months from initial planning to the launch in the market. In addition to the time and resources, it is vital to consider the scalability factors too. Not considering these factors can lead to inability to tap the current market needs and lack market competitiveness.

With the headless commerce solution of StoreHippo, your D2C business can have complete flexibility to run in an agile manner. You can launch the product on a small scale, understand the market needs and customers, and then make the growth plans accordingly. It provides the much-needed space to your business to launch the online store in a fraction of time as compared to conventional methods, understand the customer needs faster, and make appropriate changes to the store at the right time.

2. Go omnichannel

There are many D2C brands that miss on acquiring the new consumers who are interested in buying the products because they are not available on the specific sales channels. When setting up your online store with StoreHippo, you can easily sell on diverse sales channels, list your products on social media by simply integrating it with the platform.

3. Leverage Personalization

Did you know that over 35% of the total revenues of Amazon come from the products purchased through recommendations?

Gone are the days when people used to visit the retail stores and struggle to find the products on different shelves. With the right tools and features of StoreHippo ecommerce platform, your D2C brand can do wonders in the online business. The personalization experience is much more effective when the user can get tailored recommendations across multiple touchpoints of the store. There is no better time to attain the benefits of personalization for your online store.

4. Leverage Mobile Commerce

E commerce is rapidly moving towards mcommerce. With over 70% of online orders coming from mobile devices, there is no better time to leverage mcommerce for your D2C business. Well, you need not to get your mobile site or apps developed separately. It comes handy with the online store powered by StoreHippo. And why reinvent the wheel when you already have a readymade m-commerce platform. StoreHippo allows you to adopt m-commerce for faster and efficient enterprise business.

5. Seamless integrations to support third-party services

The online store surely sets the foundation for your online business but it is not everything. You need the support of many third-party functionalities like payment gateways, shipping to manage your online business effectively. Here, the solution is – “Integrations”. 

StoreHippo comes handy with seamless integrations that help you to leverage the functionalities of accounting software, ERP, payment gateways, and logistics solutions to level up your online store. Additionally, it supports headless commerce that helps you to take the advantage of REST APIs to make integrations even more easy.

6. SEO optimized website

Search engine optimization has become the necessity for even an informative website. So, it is obviously super important when you have an online store. SEO improves the rankings of your site in SERP results and that’s where your customers look for your business.

That’s why you need SEO features to get improved online search, better conversions and business revenues. Building the D2C store with StoreHippo ensures that your online store is fully SEO-optimized and offers a wide range of SEO tools to boost your business.

7. Gain better margins

The elimination of middlemen automatically leads to better profit margins. If the middlemen sell the products, they make profits on the mark-up from the cost. But when you build your D2C store, it allows you to sell products directly to the consumers at the same price as the retailer and ultimately, impacts the bottom line of your business positively.


Get ready to make your enterprise business a D2C success.

Adopting a Direct-to-consumer approach will never let you down. In fact, it is one of the most profitable decisions you will make for your enterprise ecommerce business. Now you know that the opportunities with this business model are endless. However, you need to be very careful in planning the D2C shift and be thoughtful about the selection of technology. Explore the mind-blowing features offered by StoreHippo by starting your free online trial store today.

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enterprise brands can explore d2c opportunities now as the d2c model is giving good returns. you have explained in great detail about how brands can make this shift in their business strategy

By: Vivek Irani
Sep 02, 2022   Reply

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Thanks for covering this topic in an explanatory manner, highly appreciate the efforts!

By: Nate Philips
May 13, 2022   Reply

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