From Social Media Followers to Paying Clients in 10 Steps!

By | Mar 23, 2020 Tags: | | 5 views |
  • From Social Media Followers to Paying Clients in 10 Steps!

Your social media followers are rising but your sales remain the same... Sounds familiar? What if you could translate your follower count into actual money? The constant increase of followers, likes, comments, and shares is great but you should still make social media sales

Social media is a very important part of any business’s marketing strategy to make more sales! Normally we think about them to engage with new followers or create brand awareness, but the fact is they can be really helpful when it comes to conversions! 

Social media marketing should be in your priorities no doubt, even when you believe there is not much of a conversion rate on social media, it allows you to have a direct relationship with your customers. It is the way brands become more available and more human for their customers and once a follower trusts in your brand, he/she can become a loyal customer too. 

So let’s get into 11 things you can do right for your social media to monetize your channels: 

1. Know Your Audience

Develop your customer persona in order to ensure you will be targeting the right audience. This is also how you decide which social media platforms to use, you choose the ones where you will find your social media target audience

Some business audiences can vary a lot according to their product or services, in this case, they may use each social media platform differently.

Take a look at what your social media demographics look like and choose wisely according to your target: 

Source: Hootsuite

Ask yourself who is your ideal customer? What’s their age range? Where do they live? What do they do? What do they tend to buy? What is their purchasing power? 

2. Quality is Not the Same as Quantity

Post relevant content that is useful for your audience, and post it continuously. Place your links near the beginning of your posts, whether they are shorts posts or blog posts, get to the point fast enough.

Create User-Generated Content

Make surveys, listen to your customers, understand what they want to know, what are they are asking.

Also, customers buy your products when they see other customers using them and giving them good reviews. Ask your most loyal customers to share an honest review is the greatest form of promoting your brand from a customer’s point of view. 

3. Stay Consistent

Create an authentic experience for your customers by updating your social media on a daily basis. Increase your engagement by replying fast to your customer’s comments and reactions. You can help yourself to ensure you are keeping your social media activity by using social media management tools online or hiring someone to take care of this on a daily basis. Which brings us to our next step:

4. Use Smart Tools

Social media managers that allow you to add your social media and manage scheduled content, that notifies you, and mostly where you can avoid going into all these different platforms. Use design templates where you can automize your graphics, saving your preferred fonts and colors and more. There are also logo makers for your brand, video templates, analytics tools, and more. As your brand goes bigger this step becomes more and more necessary. 


5. Analyze Your Content

You might think you are posting great content, answering your follower’s requests, but thinking is not enough. Get your numbers straight and evaluate your content performance. There are plenty of tools to do this. In every platform, there is an analytics view where you can analyze your stats or you can link your social media with an external tool to analyze your performance. Track your posts!

You can analyze your competition too, and in fact, you should compare your content to theirs. Look at what they are doing right and get a similar formula for yours. You can use tools like Facebook lookalike feature, to help you find similar social media audiences. 

6. Make Tempting Stories 

Don’t try too hard, stories are supposed to be spontaneous and fun for your viewers to watch. Find a way to make promos in a fresh style, have fun with your followers ask them questions, post this or that polls, run a contest, get creative! 

7. Invest in Ads 

Again, research your market on each social media and choose one or two targets to experiment with. The clue to make this right is constantly experimenting, with the format of your ad, your content, your target, your chosen way to promote: by click, by views, etc. Your goal can be to increase your followers, to increase your engagement, increase clicks to your site (which are called leads), etc. 

8. Outstanding Customer Service on Your Social Media 

Most customers will want to talk to you through a social media platform and will expect a fast response too. 

Also, a functional customer service on social media increases your reputation and your trustworthiness as a brand.

9. Give Your Followers Special Discounts 

Give your followers special deals that they wouldn’t have otherwise. Acknowledge them, connect personally, you can post some reviews and tag them! Or congratulate them for winning your contest by posting their picture, etc. Give them a good reason to follow you!  

10. Increase Your WOWness with Relevant Influencers

It’s very important that you choose an influencer that is relevant to your brand and that has followers that belong to the same group as yours! You can make cross-advertising or simply make an arrangement with them, either way, this can definitely increase your social media conversion rate. 

To Sum Up

Having a bunch of likes is not enough, follow the previous tips to increase your conversion rate using social media as your tool! 

Establish a presence on relevant social media where your target is located. To do this you should really know your audience. 

Stay active on a regular basis, respond to followers as fast as you can, and offer exclusive deals for them. Automate your social media game by using helpful tools. In the end, the ultimate goal of any business is conversion!

Author Bio

Valeria Santalla is a multi-disciplinary graphic designer and writer who loves to create
branding images for local business, she currently collaborates at one of the
largest logo maker and design template library website.

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