How to create a brand identity for your online web store through your blog?

By | Oct 04, 2016 | 1826 views |
  • How to create a brand identity for your online web store through your blog?

"If content is King, context is God." - Gary Vaynerchuk
We can’t agree more with GaryVaynerchuk - the famous entrepreneur, investor, best-selling author, public speaker, and internet personality- who has created engaging and viral content for diverse channels.
Context defines your purpose and helps you in building the brand identity of your online business. With the right ideas, correct tone and understanding of your target audience’s requirements you can create top business blog that is in sync with the brand values of your ecommerce business.
In our previous post we gave you 10 tips to define a simple and clear process  for writing your blog posts. Now all you need is a clear vision and a context that helps you come up with ideas that connect your target audience with your brand.

So, let's get started with our research and outline a content plan to keep the blog feed of your webstore abuzz.

The Journey begins with -  Absolutely No ideas for blogging!

Done with your  research but still fumbling with ideas ? Not sure how to create a business blog strategy that helps you build a brand recognition and value for your e-commerce venture?
Where to begin? What should be the  topic of your very first blog? Confused? Did list a few topics but unsure which idea is the best one to begin with? Don’t know how to work towards creating brands awareness for  your business with your blogging?
Thankfully, you are not alone!
StoreHippo, often receives content related queries from its clients which usually revolves around,

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“How to come up with business blog ideas  that will create the brand image of my ecommerce store?”
Coming up with relevant and useful ideas is no child’s play.Even if you had a good start with a few interesting topics,  your initial list of ideas might soon get exhausted. Searching for new ideas can be a real struggle and coming up with an interesting blog topic might seem like a herculean task at times.
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To help our clients, the team of content experts at StoreHippo e commerce platform has formulated a simple strategy,  that will create a pipeline of blog ideas for any ecommerce website. We bring for you some useful tips which will ensure you have a comprehensive content calendar that touches every aspect of your business and creates your brand identity.
Let us check what the experts have to say,
Talk about your Products and Services
The easiest way to begin blogging is by talking about the products or services you are selling. It comes naturally as you have already done quite a bit of research before finalising a product to sell. You or your content team has to begin writing about what you already know.
This also makes SEO and linking easier as you already have product pages to interlink. Use your product related keywords and also work around long tail keywords to optimize your content.
Create a buzz about your brand
After elaborating their products, online selling websites should focus on creating content around their brand. Write about your history, vision, how you are making a difference, how your products/ services are better than your competitors, why your customers should choose you and so on. The list can be endless.

This process can be real fun and would also help you create a buzz about your brand by posting the content across different digital channels.

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Inform your readers about Industry Trends
You can win loyal customers and regular readers if you post interesting posts around latest industry trends. Let your online retail store content be the first source of latest news and information for your readers. This will keep your readers hooked and also give you fresh ideas to grow your business based on what is trending in your business vertical.

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Useful Tips
Give your reader useful tips to maintain the products they are buying from your webstore. Be their guide in finding related products or services and list some of the best places from where they can source it. For e.g., if you are selling women’s clothing give your audience tips on dressing for party or office.

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Industry History and interesting Facts
Every industry has a past. Research your industry history, interesting facts, hidden secrets and similar content that gives an additional information to the readers of online selling websites.
Blogging is simple, interesting and fun! All you need is a right approach and interesting topics to get best results from your posts.To begin with start with one blog every week and increase the frequency as you gain better understanding of content requirement for your buysiness.
Use effective marketing ideas to attract more readers to your store and convert them into positive sales!
Try the tips and suggestions given by StoreHippo e commerce platform experts to begin your website's blog and let us know  how your fared. Leave a comment below if your need further inputs or have any queries.


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