5 tips to successfully convert abandoned shopping cart on your online retail store

By | Sep 22, 2016 | 1822 views |
  • 5 tips to successfully convert abandoned shopping cart on your online retail store

Feeling a bit disheartened looking at your cart abandonment google analytics report? Getting a very high percentage of incomplete orders even after adding the best product images and descriptions? Tried 10 effective tips to minimize cart abandonment rates but still missing out on a number of potential sales opportunities?
Frustrating and depressing, scenario for sure, but not a reason to be disheartened.
How can we say so?
Statistics reveal that 99% of shoppers do not make a purchase during their first visit to any webstore. Also, 80% of visitors on any website are surfers rather than shoppers. Out of these 25% visitors are actually not interested in buying. But, a whopping 75% are serious buyers who survey the market and then come back to one of online selling websites to complete their purchase.
How can you ensure that they come back to your webstore?
You can recover many of your lost sales if you have the right approach and ideas to follow up with the visitors who abandon their carts.

StoreHippo marketing gurus bring for you 5 effective strategies to help you communicate with your visitors and convert them positively.
Let’s begin;
1) Email Follow up
Statistics suggest that 90% of the abandoned cart customers do revisit the online selling websites within 24 hours, given that they liked the products. Hence, every webstore owner should have a plan to target these shoppers for recovering the lost sales.
Ideally, all the incomplete orders should be followed up with auto emails within 1 hour of cart abandonment. After that, you should have a set of 1-3 emails to follow up with the customers. These follow up mails should be timed well and you should never bombard your visitors with mails.
StoreHippo experts suggest following plan of email follow up:

1st MailWithin 24 hours Ask if faced any difficulty while ordering, gently push towards purchase.
2nd MailWithin 2 daysOffer some incentive like cash back, free shipping etc.
3rd MailAfter 1 weekSuggest scarcity, offer soon to close, product going out of stock etc.

Also remember to incorporate the following in every abandon cart recovery mail:

2)  Retargeting with Ads

Have you ever noticed that after surfing products on certain websites that sell products online, you happen to see ads of the same products that you surfed on other websites as well? This is ads retargeting one of the most efficient tools to convert visitors into buyers.
This is achieved by using third party services from Google or other providers that help you in tracking your visitors online trail. You can then display ads to them while they are surfing the net. This method is costlier than email targeting but it has the potential to convert up to 90% of abandoned cart customers.
3)  Incentivize Order Completion

Abandon cart email
or ads retargeting can give you better results if you give additional benefits for making a purchase from your store. As we discussed in the first round, the visitors are sampling the market and the products, so by giving an incentive your likelihood of converting the sale increases manifold.
Offer free shipping, promotional discount, percentage off on next order etc. to gently coax your visitors towards buying from your web store.
4)  Create Urgency 
We know that human brain is hardwired to respond quickly to situations of scarcity and uncertainty. Use this psychological tool to and bring back your lost customers. Scarcity and limited period offers are used by many online sites as an effective way to find cart abandonment solutions
While targeting your lost sales, create a sense of urgency by showing limited stock, offer time running out counter, limited period free shipping, product selling very fast and other similar techniques to lure your customers.
5) Mobile Friendly Store
We have often repeated that the modern buyers are increasingly preferring shopping from mobile devices rather than laptop or desktop. Not having a mobile friendly site can be one of the major cart abandonment reasons for your business.
You can ensure better sales by making your store mobile ready which gets Omni channel traffic and sales. Also, optimize your follow up emails and ads to be mobile friendly to get the most out of your customer retargeting efforts.
StoreHippo offers mobile ready sites within affordable budget for B2B as well as B2C businesses. You have to spend no extra time, money or effort to convert your store into a mobile ready store if you opt for the StoreHippo solution.

Acting quickly and with a right strategy can help you boost the sales of your online store. Get more visitors to complete the checkout on your website.
Try out a combination of these effective abandoned cart recovery methods and stop losing your sales.
Keep watching our blog section for more insights into online sales and marketing tips.

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