5 marketing tips to create killer ad campaigns for online ecommerce stores

By | Sep 07, 2016 | 1839 views |
  • 5 marketing tips to create killer ad campaigns for online ecommerce stores

Being an entrepreneur is no mean feat and it requires wearing multiple hats simultaneously. As an entrepreneur, you have to be a business planner, a marketer and a visionary. You have to make smart choices that make your work load easier and allow you to excel in each of these departments.
Using one of the future ready ecommerce platforms to sell your products might make your job as an entrepreneur relatively easier.  But succeeding as a great marketer is much harder and needs an in depth understanding of buying behavior of online shoppers.
To create compelling ad copies and sales strategies you need to understand how your customers think, what they need, why they prefer certain products over others and so on. Understanding your audience group can be much easier if you understand their psychology and use this knowledge to craft out the hottest marketing plans that attract and convince buyers to purchase from your online ecommerce stores.

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StoreHippo, brings for you some simple tips that can help you create marketing plans that convert more visitors into buyers.

1) Create Emotional Connect

Try to recall some of your all-time favorite ads. As these ads replay in your mind can you identify one common factor in all of these? Yes, you got it, they all touch the core of your heart and emotionally connect you with the product.
Research shows that people identify deeply with emotional appeals and tend to remember and buy the brand that promotes it. While crafting your ecommerce marketing strategy, instead of harping about the features of the product, stress more on the ways it can better the lives of your potential buyers.

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2) Admit Your Flaws

Do you know what repulses a potential customer the most? Your ad copy shouting, “BUY our product, This is the BEST!” Customers naturally doubt such claims as their experience has proven it over and over again that such claims are more of a marketing gimmick rather than actually having some credibility.
Instead, when you create online stores and work on your very first ads try to acknowledge some of your shortcomings and juxtapose it with the benefits you are offering. Suppose your webstore is selling wedding gown for women, you can acknowledge in your ad copy that you are not a big label yet but you are putting every effort to make the bride shine as a star on her special day.
This theme will instantly establish your credibility and tug at the heart of many a bride who are not able to afford designer brands.

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3) Promote your Exclusivity

Somewhere, deep down in our heart, we humans tend to feel we are a special someone. We all want to feel important and naturally, the ads that make us feel exclusive or special prompt us to buy the product.
If you build online store and its marketing strategy, around this inherent need of every buyer, you can give a definite boost to your sales. Running an online fashion store? Promote your brand as, “Exclusive for the modern women who is free to live her dreams.” Instantly you make your audience feel special and connect with an emotion as well.

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4)  Play with Uncertainty 

Don’t you want your customers to notice, take note of and take immediate action on your promotional offers? How do you achieve this?
Create uncertainty, doubt or fear about losing an offer. There is no tool more powerful than this trick to make your customers follow the line you want them to take. Flash sales and limited period offers are the perfect examples of this type of ecommerce marketing. Add a timer to any product you want to sell during a given campaign, and see how it improves the sale of that product.

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5) Position Your Competitors Differently

The ultimate goal of a smart marketer is to beat competition and make his brand outshine them. But it is really difficult to reposition a brand that has already established its credentials and reputation in the market.
So how can you realign their positioning in the memory of your target audience without brazenly advertising your brand as better than theirs? Simple, position your brand as the ideal one for the target audience. If you are selling baby food online, let your campaign revolve around themes of healthy baby, something to the tune of, “Trusted by mothers of happy and healthy toddlers.”
You are subtly hinting your brand is trusted and makes the babies healthy, the ideal ecommerce marketing strategy to reposition your competitors in the memory of your audience.
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Try out the above tips to make convert your good marketing strategy into a winner that brings awesome sales and keeps your cash counters ringing.
StoreHippo, your advanced e commerce platform will roll out more tips on improving your marketing to get the best ROI. Keep reading our blog section. 

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