3 step guide for launching your first online retail store

By | Nov 02, 2016 | 1 Comments | 1967 views |
  • 3 step guide for launching your first online retail store

Can you suggest what is the one common thing among the following;

  • A fresh college graduate
  • A seasoned professional
  • A businessman running brick and mortar shop
  • A homemaker
  • A fashion designer
  • A jeweler
  • An awesome cook………...

To cut the long list short let’s say, what’s the single cord that binds every individual with a new business idea and a unique talent?
Hint- all of the above are capable of changing their lives and start earning better by joining a club.
Can’t get it yet?

Well, let’s put it in black and white for you. Anyone, and almost everyone, is thinking of launching a new online store to monetize their talent and earn some extra bucks.
There is an unprecedented boom in the eCommerce industry. Every study and forecast conducted on the topic is suggesting a rapid growth in coming years. Given the buzz about the growth of online business it is natural for every thinking individual to attempt a ride on the wave.

If you have also been planning to write a success story of your own by taking the ecommerce route, this is the best time to go ahead. E-commerce is expected to reach $4058 billion in 2020 as compared to $1915 billion in 2016. If you have a new business idea and plan it well, you definitely can reserve your share in the predicted growth figure.
However, before jumping on ecommerce bandwagon it is wise to sit down and chart out a plan that will ensure not only survival but success in the battlefield.
StoreHippo experts have put together a simple and easy to follow 3 step guide for all the entrepreneurs who are taking their business online for the first time.
Read on to learn and make your online journey smoother:

1.Thinking out of the box

The first step towards starting an ecommerce business from scratch is to start thinking unlike others. If you want to make your business a success you should try to find a gap and then offer solutions for it that you can capitalize on.
These days, almost every business idea is being taken online by someone or the other, so you actually have to do some value addition and package a different deal that is more attractive for your audience.
We have compiled a few articles to help the first-time entrepreneurs stay updated about current trends of e commerce and assist them in choosing their new online store’s business vertical, launch time and stay motivated throughout their journey.

Why young and dynamic Indians are choosing to be online entrepreneurs?

How E-commerce is the goldmine for young entrepreneurs?

E-commerce trends to help you decide your new online venture’s niche

Timing your webstore’s launch for success

2. In dreams begin responsibilities

Deciding a business vertical is easy but the next step is the most challenging. This involves charting an end to end business plan and improvising it based on the market inputs. If you make a hasty start you can face problems, you might have overlooked. On the other hand, if you do over analysis you run the risk of delaying and complicating your launch.
To roll out the most advanced website, you need to have a well chalked out business plan and choose a good technology partner.
Despite making the best plan you can face some challenges when the website actually goes online. Considering all this StoreHippo experts bring for you some well laid out strategies and plans.
Read on to know more:

How to make a perfect online business plan

A guide to help you choose your ecommerce platform wisely

How to quick start your ecommerce business without wasting time

How to Face e commerce challenges with confidence

3. Be the best

Now that you have learnt the steps to starting an ecommerce business you should start planning to make it a success. For this you need to have a good understanding of what makes a successful webstore and at the same time also be aware of the pitfalls that can ruin your online venture. Also, you need to remain productive and positive during the journey as you are bound to face challenges and pitfalls.
StoreHippo goes an extra mile in handholding its clients and we have compiled a handy list of articles that would help you have the most amazing online shopping site. Go through the following list to get in depth knowledge about best practices for rolling out a successful online web store and remaining in your best spirting during your journey:

Ecommerce best practices for online store

10 must have features for your online store’s success

Mistakes that can ruin your online business

How to Boost your productivity while working from home office


Try out the above suggestion from StoreHippo experts and plan out your online journey now. If you are looking for a well-rounded future ready ecommerce platform to launch your business, you can start by building an online store free with us. StoreHippo offers a 14-day trial store absolutely free to every entrepreneur.

Need assistance or have queries? Leave your mobile number in comments below and our sales team would contact you to give a guided tour of StoreHippo features and advantages.

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I want online store

By: Jkvaishnave
Jan 17, 2017   Reply

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Hi, Thanks for showing interest in StoreHippo, have shared your query with the team, they will get back to you. In the mean time you can start your 14 days free trial from here: https://www.storehippo.com/store/create Vishal -

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