Why Do Customers Love A Multi Store Ecommerce Platform

By | Jun 06, 2021 | 2 Comments | 550 views |
  • Why Do Customers Love A Multi Store Ecommerce Platform

Do you know the best multi store ecommerce website in the world? Yeah, it is Amazon. If we take Amazon as an example, it has multiple stores for different locations. Such as amazon.co.uk for the UK, amazon.in for India, amazon.ca for Canada, amazon.de for Germany, and other country-specific Amazon stores. 

You will get astonished when you see the website visitors each Amazon store gets. Here is the breakdown-  

Amazon.in : 343k visitors /month

Amazon.co.uk: 496k visitors /month

Amazon.de : 128k visitors /month

Amazon.ca: 316k visitors /month

This proves the worth of multi store ecommerce. Also, it means that customers love shopping localized sites of a single brand.

5 Solid reasons why customers love multi-store ecommerce sites 

1. Easier, simpler faster shopping experience

Multiple stores reduce the confusion and distractions encountered by buyers, making it easier for them to make quick purchase decisions. 

Example: Let’s suppose you own a fashion multi-vendor marketplace for women, where you sell apparel and cosmetics. You are planning to launch fashion products exclusively for men. Instead of adding products to an existing store, you decided to build an online store dedicated to men buyers. This way, male buyers can easily shop more with less distraction (irrelevant products) and faster browsing. 

2. Content and products curated for their specific needs

80% of buyers are ready to shop from a company that promises a personalized experience through the buying journey. (Epsilon)

Let's apply a basic psychology theory. When a customer is served with content or products tailored to their preferences, the chances of buying that item increase. Moreover, they are more likely to stay longer on the site, which makes them more likely to purchase something from the store.

How to offer personalized content? 

Look at all the channels and touchpoints your customers interact with. Where would a personalized element help the most? It can be product recommendations, sending relevant emails on their email ID, offering dynamic landing pages, showing relevant ads, and more.

3. Personalized offers and discounts suitable for their needs

Customers expect extreme personalization in almost everything, but most importantly, in offers/discounts

Example: A customer who is interested in buying sports goods would love to receive discounts for sports shoes or sports watch or sports equipment. There is nothing more that can attract them to your store, than 30% off on sports items. This is called the personalization of offers.

4. Localization of stores

What kind of personalization do customers living in a particular region need? Simple, they want personalization in payment, shipping rates, product prices, store currency, country-specific taxes, content translation, and more. 

Local stores create a strong connection between ecommerce brands and international customers. To empower the bond, you can announce country-wide sales during local holidays celebrated by customers in that location. 

How to enhance extreme personalization to buyers located in different countries?

To reach into the global market, you can translate your store content into local languages and should display native currencies. Offer shipping costs and taxes in the local currency used by the buyers. Hence, multi-store feature can save hours as you don’t have to deal with complex exchange rates.

5. Stronger and long-term relationship with the brand

When you ensure personalized experiences, your customers feel arched to your brand and become more motivated to shop regularly from your site. With multi store ecommerce, customers can communicate better with your brand via live chats and emails. 

Multi-store ecommerce not only benefits customers but is also beneficial to ecommerce owners. Let’s find more benefits below. 

3 Benefits of building a multi store ecommerce site to ecommerce businesses 

1. Reach global market & audiences

With multi-stores ecommerce, you can expand your reach around the world. You can target different countries where there is high demand for your products. After analyzing the demand, you can create a local sub-store that caters to the consumers of that particular country. 

How to reach global markets? 

Simple! Start doing SEO of your multiple stores. Try ranking each store on a country-specific search engine by Google. 

For example: If you want to reach people in the UK and have a build an online store for UK people called XYZcommerce.co.uk, then target google.co.uk to rank your site. Why? Because many people in the UK use google.co.uk instead of Google.com. 

2. Centralized management

Building multiple online stores does not mean that you need additional softwares, multiple ecommerce platforms, hosting, etc. No, you don’t need anything additional, if your ecommerce platform supports multi store functionality.

StoreHippo is a multi store ecommerce platform that allows you to build online stores (sub-store) from a single subscription and with the same hosting. Hence, you can save extensive development and operational costs. Moreover, management of ecommerce operations of individual sub-stores can be easily done via a central admin dashboard.

3. Highly targeted marketing

Multiple storefronts allow you to market your product to audiences living in different countries. The biggest advantage to customers is personalization, as they get prices in their currency, content in their language, affordable shipping rates, and taxes applicable in their country.

How to promote in a specific location?

To promote in a target location, you need to identify customer behavior, which platform they use to shop, what are the special days/festivals in the country. 

According to the data collected, you can plan campaigns and run them on different platforms to reach people. You can even announce festive sales and promote them on Facebook or Instagram or Youtube to bring traffic to your store. 

Building online stores focused on a specific market is an excellent way of acquiring new customers and increasing your sales, market reach, and penetration, as well as developing a significant advantage over your rivals.

Get started with StoreHippo multi store ecommerce platform

StoreHippo ecommerce software gives you an option to build sub-stores for different locations, different sellers, or different product niches.  

Central platform to manage sub-store operations: You can manage all your stores through a super admin panel. Build multiple storefronts with unique URLs, design a unique storefront, offer customized checkouts with plenty of payment gateways, logistics solutions for each of these subsites. That’s not it, you can also have your fleet of delivery boys and manage them with inbuilt delivery boy solutions.

Supports integration: You can integrate your stores with multiple payment gateways, CRM, ERP, and shipping solutions to scale the operations. 

Launching and running multiple sites from the same platform and hosting can incredibly subside operational costs. That’s why you need robust and intuitive multi store ecommerce software like StoreHippo. Want to try StoreHippo before buying?

Get started 14 days free trial of StoreHippo to experience its advanced features in real-time and build an online store.

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Customers sure love an online store with multiple storefronts as it makes it easier for them to search for exactly what they want and need. This blog explains in details the reasons why brands should consider a multi store ecommerce set up for their ecommerce websites

By: Mallika Patel
Sep 27, 2022   Reply

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Hi Mallika, thanks for appreciating our blog on Why Do Customers Love A Multi Store Ecommerce Platform. If you need our help setting up an online store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! StoreHippo - Sep 26, 2022

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with more options and products to choose from, online stores built with multi store ecommerce solution attract more customers and rightly so. this article elaborates why customers prefer multi store ecommerce.

By: Divya Garg
Aug 31, 2022   Reply

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