Why choosing a FLEXIBLE ecommerce platform is the shortcut to your business growth

By | Mar 27, 2017 | 257 views |
  • Why choosing  a FLEXIBLE ecommerce platform is the shortcut to your business growth

What is the first thing that crosses your mind once you have decided to create an online store?
You want to build a smart, robust, scalable and flexible store that allows you to adapt to market changes rapidly. Don't you? In the era of cut throat competition building and maintaining a smart estore to accelerate your business growth should be the first priority  of every etailer.

Today the online buyers have a plethora of choices and hence your business growth solely depends on your competitive advantage over the other players. To gain an edge over others you have to match pace with the unprecedented changes and rapid growth in dynamic online business environment.

To keep your customers loyal, you need  a top ecommerce platform that gives you the agility and flexibility that programs your business for success.

Let us decode how a flexible platform gives you the shortcut to business growth and success;

1. Ample Scope for Experimentation

Surviving in any business is all about identifying the latest trends and responding fast to new opportunities. Business growth comes with a vision for future and quick turnaround time to mould your business for the opportunities that keep coming up. To achieve this, you need a platform that is flexible enough to adapt to changes and provides quick solutions. 

If you are stuck with one of the rigid ecommerce platforms built on the principle of “one size fits all“ at some point of time it would stop accommodating your unique requirements and hence growth will suffer. Going for a flexible platform that offers extensive and fast customization as per your requirements can take your sales graph shooting upwards.

2. Allows to Scale up to Sell More

Thinking big always has its advantages. Once an e-business takes off, one naturally starts thinking of scaling it up and channeling out to get maximum ROI from their efforts.  But scaling up can wreak havoc if you choose a multi channel ecommerce software that is limited in its scope and has difficult implementation.

To make it big in the online market your platform should be flexible and scalable in a very smooth, easy and efficient manner so that it accommodates your business growth. A truly scalable platform with inbuilt flexibility can scale up to millions of users and bring higher conversions as your business grows rapidly.

3. Ready for Any Business Model

Despite the best laid out startup plans majority of startups fail to sustain their business model beyond a couple of years. Ever wondered what could be the biggest possible reason for this? Well, it’s simple to guess,  the most thorough business plan and the real challenges and twists in the market are never the same. 

To keep pace with market dynamics the enterprise ecommerce platform should be prepared to adapt the trending technical changes. The choice lies between adapting fast or perishing. Enterprise solutions and B2B businesses need to be even more cautious about checking the flexibility of their platform as they thrive on unseen opportunities and unexplored horizons for their growth. If your platform offers you the choice of switching between B2B and B2C models as per your requirements you can take advantage of many unforeseen opportunities by tweaking your business model.

4. Easy Product Cataloging and Marketing

The ultimate aim of any online business is to display their products well and be able to market them easily. The best ecommerce software should make room for implementing product cataloging with multi tier product categories. Multi -tier categories give your store the flexibility to display products under various sub categories thus making them more visible and searchable by the customers.

Similarly, flexible marketing tools and a flexible SEO friendly platform that allows quick changes to improve traffic and conversions is a prerequisite of a successful store.

5. Ability to Tweak the Platform In and Out

The ultimate benefit of a flexible platform can be derived only if it has the ability to get molded completely to the custom requirements of the business. Some of the most popular ecommerce platforms claim to be flexible but their flexibility is limited to the front end changes only. A truly flexible platform should empower the business with the choice of tweaking it in and out and adding new modules or making any kind of third party integrations seamlessly. 

Also, your platform should free you from the burden of iterative development cycles and implementing some complex codes to achieve the changes.


Apart from providing the above mentioned flexibilities the top ecommerce platform should also be mobile ready. This would allow your business to benefit from mobile commerce which already the most important online sales channel. To take the advantages further it should offer full support for content creation and management with inbuilt blog, video upload and allows user generated content in form of user reviews on your product pages.

StoreHippo mobile ready platform is built with all the above mentioned flexibilities listed in the article. Explore the unique features and flexible solutions of the best ecommerce software by starting your 14 day FREE trial NOW.

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