Why Angular is a Good Choice for your E-commerce Website

By | Feb 02, 2020 | 2 Comments | 6159 views |
  • Why Angular is a Good Choice for your E-commerce Website

If you frequently buy things online for yourself, then you MUST have favourite e-commerce websites. Almost everyone has one. 

You have got to ask yourself a real question……

"Why do I keep coming back to this site?"

And when you think about it, you will realise that it's the seamless and fluent shopping experience that you get out of it: no worries, no stress, no risks. And probably that's why you keep going back to it to fulfil your online shopping needs. It’s a reasonable assumption and a very well-founded fact user experience is the focal point behind the development of any e-commerce website. 

It’s true !! 

Customer loyalty is a hard thing to earn due to increasing choices and competition in the market. And you don’t get it by giving them a dragged out glitchy shopping experience on your website. A User’s Experience while browsing on your website a vital perspective for all user interfaces, but it is critical when you design e-commerce platforms. 

How do you make sure your users get the best experience? 

To get into that, you must know what are some common issues that can hamper a user’s experience.

Some issues that can really test a user’s patience

  1. Complex checkout flow can be a big headache for online shoppers. As of 2018, people have abandoned over 27% of shopping carts because of complicated and cumbersome check out systems.
  2. Unpopular annoying factors like popups to register as a new user or a shopping account or a request to sign up for a newsletter are incredibly bothersome. Usually, the shopper gets vexed, and they leave. There's an excellent chance that once a buyer leaves your e-commerce platform for another, they are not coming back.
  3. Don't you get annoyed when someone asks you the same thing again and again? Well, the buyers on an online store feel the same while shopping. Asking for the same piece of information for any reason can grind a user's gears. They get troubled and just walk out.
  4. Your website is taking too much time to load? Too bad!! Cart abandonments spike up by 75%, and loyalty goes down by half when your website is slow.
  5. Security is also one of the most significant determinants factors for the majority of buyers on the internet, given the plethora of risks there. 35% of shoppers will abandon a site if it's without a security badge.(Source)

To sum it up, UX is the most vital perspective that helps an e-commerce website to stand out from its competition. A fast and straightforward interface makes your website successful in bringing large business.

So if you think tackling all the above issues can become difficult, don’t worry. There is a solution to improving the user experience while they are on your e-commerce website.

An Angular JS based ecommerce platform is the answer, Just like StoreHippo…..

StoreHippo is built on the latest and fastest MEAN technology stack with AngularJS, which makes your site lightning fast and effective in performance. 

Websites built using StoreHippo's angular-based platform are inherently mobile-ready. These websites are also superior in terms of design, speed, performance and usability. Many other platforms are merely mobile responsive but need extra effort to become mobile-ready. StoreHippo arms you with the ability to set up mobile apps with just a few clicks. Don't worry about the development cost because we won't charge you any!!! 

What Angular exactly is?

AngularJS is a methodized, JavaScript framework used for dynamic single-page web-based applications. Being a structured framework, it applies code templates drafted in HTML to carry out a specific command. 

It is favoured a lot for developing an e-commerce website because of the speed and user experience it has to offer. The competition in the market is intense and, if your online store doesn't load in 3-4 seconds, then you will lose your customer to someone else. To avoid any such predicament, angular-based platforms are considered to be more secure and stable because of its speed and compact size.

Angular JS can enhance your online store’s UX

1. Suitable for an enterprise

One of the most beneficial things about using it in developing your e-commerce store is it rewards your patrons with fluent UX models. That leads to the prevention of undesirable elements like unwanted webpages. It also aids you to keep an in-depth track of events such as user actions, pages bounce, profiles, etc. You can also use Google’s Firebase with an angular-based platform which reduces the necessity of a system administrator to manage your store without excess expenditure.

2. Security

Security intrusion measures like HTML injection and cross-site attacks can easily be tackled by an angular-based platform as they have inbuilt measures to handle such events. It is convincingly devised to function in sync with renowned security tactics like server-side authentication, HTTPS, and authorization. To put it in a nutshell, Angular eliminates the possibilities of any attack, providing grade-A security.

3. Work easily with REST API

REST API gives you access to the powerful StoreHippo platform from a programming language of your own choice. It acts as an interface between servers using HTTP to obtain data and generate operations on those data in all possible formats. Using REST API on servers can let you leverage public APIs for your users. It can even help your enterprise to save money and resources as it asks for minimum hardware and resources. The workload is normally shared between the client and the server APIs.

4. Make your workflow simple

Most notable features of Angular JS are Modularity and Dependency Injection. Modularity can make your platform very appealing to work with. A modular system is simpler to understand, to analyze, to sustain, to reuse and extend. If you’re building an extensive website, maybe you should try your best to achieve modularity. Extensive websites or applications can pose many hurdles due to their complexity and scale. Dependency injection, on the other hand, can provide essential segments of class which can be injected into each other as dependencies.


Your online store is a portal to your business which gives it an online identity. If you are looking for an angular-based platform to run an online store, then you are at the right place. StoreHippo can help you achieve your dreams of running a safe, secure and efficient website. Our platform is equipped with the latest cutting edge technology which has led to the success of many aspiring entrepreneurs looking for a start to establish their enterprises. 

Please sign up for StoreHippo’s trial version and take our platform for a spin. Testimonies have their place, better experience our offerings for yourself.

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It was such a great article which was on Angular Js.

By: Julia Davis
Aug 05, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Julia, thanks for appreciating our blog on Why Angular is a Good Choice for your E-commerce Website. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog Team StoreHippo - Aug 06, 2023

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Yes, Angular is a good choice for building an eCommerce application. Angular is a popular JavaScript framework for building web applications, and it provides a number of features that can be useful for an eCommerce application. Angular is a powerful and flexible framework that can be used to build a wide range of eCommerce applications. If you have experience with JavaScript and are familiar with modern web development practices, you should be able to use Angular to build a robust and scalable eCommerce application https://www.alakmalak.com/?utm_source=yj-dec&utm_medium=storehippo&utm_campaign=seo-qu is one of the leading Website design and development company which can help you in create your 100% responsive website design.

By: Abigail Brown
Dec 22, 2022   Reply

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