Top 10 StoreHippo Features To Give Your Enterprise Ecommerce Brand An Edge Over Competition

By |Updated Date : Oct 19, 2022 | 4 Comments | 78 views | Oct 19, 2022
  • Top 10 StoreHippo Features To Give Your Enterprise Ecommerce Brand An Edge Over Competition

Along with the rapid market changes enterprise ecommerce has also changed a lot in recent years. With ecommerce scaling new heights each year, it has become evident that going online and making your brand available on channels your customers love is crucial to your brand’s success.

To understand the current market trends better let us look at some quick figures on the ecommerce industry boom:

  • 2.14 billion people made an online purchase in 2021 

  • $1 trillion is the expected B2B ecommerce market size in India by 2024

  • 19.24% is the forecasted CAGR of ecommerce in India

  • Almost 50% of customers prefer to visit brand websites as they offer more comprehensive information

  • 250% higher purchase frequency on omnichannel vs. single-channel brands

Source: Statista, Markinblog

In this hyper-growth stage of the ecommerce industry, the ecommerce markets are projected to keep climbing in the coming years ensuring an even bigger market for brands. To make the most of the situation, brands need enterprise ecommerce solutions that equip them to race ahead of the competition. Also, to meet buyer expectations, brands need to be available on all the channels their customers visit.

What is enterprise eCommerce

High-volume businesses catering to large orders for businesses or catering to a large number of individual clients can be termed enterprise brands. Enterprise ecommerce solution is ecommerce software that offers a scalable solution for the online selling needs of enterprise brands. 

Enterprise brands need futuristic and advanced tools to manage their business, order flow and overall growth. For achieving this they need the best ecommerce platform that helps them streamline and automate their processes so that the management has better control over the business growth. 

StoreHippo is a fully hosted and managed, enterprise ecommerce platform, that is inherently scalable and offers a host of inbuilt enterprise-grade features to seamlessly manage the complexities of large businesses.

How enterprise ecommerce solutions are different from basic ecommerce solutions

An enterprise ecommerce platform is one that is not limited to basic ecommerce features, but offers advanced solutions to make innovative stores for B2B, B2B2C and other enterprise business models. To help brands experiment with new business models and create disruption such enterprise ecommerce solutions come with inbuilt capabilities to handle multi-vendor marketplaces, multiple storefronts, multiple languages and currencies, and custom-built e-commerce solutions.

While a basic cart solution with simple buy options work fine for small businesses, enterprise businesses have multi vendor carts. Also high-volume orders, discounts pricing etc. are handled differently. A modern enterprise ecommerce solution needs to have features that give brands the agility, speed and create freedom to explore new markets and busienss models.

Why StoreHippo is the best-fit solution for your enterprise ecommerce brand

StoreHippo is an enterprise ecommerce solution provider that helps you carve a niche for your brand. It comes with exclusive features to suit the diverse needs of your enterprise business. With 300+ inbuilt features, 120+ built-in integrations and inherent flexibility, StoreHippo can easily build tailor made solutions for various industries and business models. 

Let us take a glance over the top 10 features of the enterprise ecommerce solution provider:

1. Advanced technology        

No two enterprise businesses are the same. Each enterprise brand has unique requirements and flows that need cutting edge technology solutions. Also in the current market scenario, enterprise brands need to look for ways to remain agile, customer-centric, and future-proof. 

For this they need to rely on next generation technologies and solutions that give them better creative control to build innovative solutions for their unique requirements. Choosing an enterprise  platform that offers 360-degree solutions to build and run the business along with cutting-edge technology to keep the business attuned to dynamic market trends is the need of the hour.

StoreHippo is powered by MEAN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and NodeJS) stack which is undoubtedly the most scalable technology stack currently available. With the next-gen MEAN stack and with SPA (Single Page Application) StoreHippo builds cutting-edge ecommerce stores for enterprise brands of every scale and size. StoreHippo gives you the freedom to experiment, innovate, and scale with the powerful MACH architecture. It also provides unmatched flexibility, inherent scalability and super-fast performance giving you an extra edge over the competition.

2. Customization and personalization 

Enterprise brands need to quickly adapt to changing market dynamics. While they can set up stores on popular business models like an online marketplace, multi-store etc. using turnkey enterprise ecommerce solutions they still need nips and tucks at the front end as well as the back end. Also since personalized user experiences are driving brand success it has become imperative for enterprise brands to focus on offering personalized buyer journeys across channels. 

Well, did you know that 66% of online buyers will leave their purchase midway if the content isn’t personalized? (Source: Forbes) Modern age customers look forward to feeling acknowledged and being treated special. StoreHippo understands the need to keep your customers engaged and hooked to your enterprise brand and offers a variety of tools that offer easy personalizations.

The flexible enterprise ecommerce platform StoreHippo built on the decoupled headless architecture can be tweaked inside out. You can implement multi-level personalizations like building multiple storefronts/sub-stores for different locations, audiences, or different categories. From customizing your shipping solutions and digital payments to offering localization with multilingual content and personalized pricing, different store designs, discounts etc. you get a wide range of features and tools with StoreHippo.

3. Scalability and speed

Scalability is an underestimated yet major concern for businesses dealing with a high volume of products, users, orders and customers. To grow fast in the enterprise ecommerce industry it is important to have an ecommerce solution that accommodates your business growth. While you are charting your success, it is essential to ensure that your brand is able to offer a seamless buying experience even if you scale up to millions of customers.

Built on the most advanced technology stack (MEAN stack), the StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce platform offers an inherently scalable solution for your high-volume fast-growing businesses. StoreHippo helps you build disruptive solutions by offering:

  • Consistent high-performance even when your enterprise ecommerce brand grows exponentially

  • Peak-load tolerance during seaonal peaks

  • 99.99% uptime with autoscaling, redundant server architecture

  • Amazing fast speed with multi-tier caching and advanced optimizations

StoreHippo’s inherently scalable cloud infrastructure supports and accommodates business growth of enterprise brands and lets them plan growth strategies withouth bothering about replatforming.  With StoreHippo powering your enterprise brand, you can design your unique ecommerce enterprise solution and crave your own niche in the  market.

4. Mobile-ready stores 

With up to 80% of online orders happening through smartphones, mobile commerce is here to stay. If you are not on mobile you are not in the race. And mobile can no longer be an afterthought for enterprise brands. It has to be their primary sales channel. Creating mobile apps, iOS or android should not be time-consuming but an easy and quick process for successful enterprise ecommerce brands.

StoreHippo’s ecommerce platform is built on the mobile first principle and offers a variety of mobile-ready solutions. Stores built on StoreHippo are PWAs, which means these ecommerce websites work, look, and feel like mobile apps. 

StoreHippo’s inbuilt mobile apps builder builds mobile apps without any coding. You can easily create separate apps for different sub-stores from the admin dashboard. For example, if you have and, you can create two different apps for both of these storefronts. Also, StoreHippo offers a variety of apps for admins, vendors, delivery boys etc. StoreHippo makes it possible for brands to run their business on the go.

5. Unique store designs 

Craving for a unique, flexible, and intuitive experience for your diverse audience groups? Well, obviously different audience segments have varying expectations and it becomes important to regale your customers with the uniqueness of your store. How about implementing design aspects that engage and convert faster? 

Enterprise brands need to implement unique design changes quickly so they can implement strategic marketing for different customers. Such changes need a lot of experiments, A/B testing and quick tweaks based on data-driven results. 

With StoreHippo you can play around with your store designs and create unique yet professional enterprise ecommerce website designs with the drag and drop feature. Even a novice user can overhaul the website design within minutes with zero knowledge of coding. The futuristic ecommerce platform offers you 100+ device optimized themes for different sub-stores. 

With the support of developer-friendly interface that offers heavy-duty programming support, you can edit the HTML directly to make your existing widgets behave as per your requirements or add a completely new widget to give unique appeal and flow to your online store. You can also increase your conversions with easy to use features that make your site more engaging.

6. Omnichannel ecommerce 

Enterprise businesses that have offered extremely strong omnichannel customer engagement, witnessed a 9.5% spike in their annual revenue. More than 80% of the enterprise brands were investing in omnichannel experience by 2020 as compared to 20% a few years ago. It is undeniably important to target and engage with your customers on the channels they love to shop on. By going omnichannel, you boost your growth potential manifold.

StoreHippo offers a ready-to-use omnichannel enterprise ecommerce solution for your brand’s multi channel selling needs. With omnichannel solutions at your disposal your brand can easilys trategize product-market mixes for faster growth and better audience engagement.

Selling omnichannel, you can offer a personalized customer experience on each channel loved by your customers. This boosts your customer engagement and increases their lifetime value. With StoreHippo omnichannel enterprise ecommerce solutions you can: 

  • Add new customer touchpoints quickly using the same backend logic and APIs

  • Create consistent buyer experiences across multiple channels to boost engagement

  • Centrally control of all your sales channels

  • Improve operational efficiency across all channels and reduce cost

  • Get better customer insight on multiple channels to leverage the most profitable channel

  • Get channel-specific insights to leverage data-driven strategies

Isn’t that all you need to take your enterprise ecommerce brand ahead of your competitors? It surely is!

7. Go global

Sooner or later global expansion is on the cards for every enterprise brand. While going to international markets is a lucrative idea, implementing the business model has its own set of challenges. Imagine you are selling in the Middle East, India and USA. However, you offer site content only in English and payments only in INR. Will this set-up work for your global clientele? No. With such limitations your clients will not connect with your brand. 

An enterprise ecommerce business that has all the right elements to offer but communicates with its customers in a foreign language or does not offer multiple payment solutions can not go too far along. 

StoreHippo offers a gamut of global features that enables you to tap the global audience. With features like automatic translation to up to 100+ languages (including Right to Left languages like Arabic), international shipping partners, multiple domestic and international payment gateways, multi currency payments, multi currency invoicing, built in tax engine, location-based pricing etc. StoreHippo makes it easy for expanding your business to the global market.

With a future ready enterprise ecommerce solution provider like StoreHippo, you can leverage the global market to grow your brand beyond borders.

8. SEO and marketing tools

Once you have established your enterprise business across multiple customer touchpoints, it is important to also have your marketing and SEO game on point. Google receives an average of 1 lakh searches per second on any given day. This means that search engines like Google, offer a plethora of opportunities to grow your business. 

This further implies the need for tools that make strategizing and executing your marketing plans less cumbersome. Designed for a wide range of B2B+ B2C enterprise ecommerce brands, StoreHippo offers comprehensive, easy-to-use, and fast-to-implement inbuilt SEO tools. By using these tools efficiently and strategically, you can position your brand to rank higher on SERPs. 

StoreHippo’s enterprise ecommerce platform enables you to easily create unique URLs for pages, meta titles, meta descriptions, meta tags, keywords and more right from your admin dashboard. With your SEO strategy well aligned you can gear up your brand for more organic footfalls and better growth.

The powerful built-in discount engine and promotion tools from StoreHippo enable you to build strategies to get higher conversions. You can offer multi-level discounts and create personalized coupon codes for an enhanced marketing strategy. You can also recover abandoned carts with real-time personalized email and push notifications. StoreHippo platform has everything that you need to leverage quick, smart, and successful marketing campaigns.

9. Payment and logistics solutions 

Frictionless checkout is key to a happy customer. A simple way to offer frictionless shopping to enterprise buyers is to offer flexible payment choices. Customers feel much more confident and comfortable purchasing from an enterprise ecommerce platform that offers a wide spectrum of payment solutions. Ease of ordering and paying always entail larger order volumes and boosts your conversion rates.

To make buying from your enterprise brand easy-breezy your solution provider should have the capability to integrate with a variety of payment solutions and replace any of them quickly as and when needed. Also, your enterprise ecomemrce solution should have the capabilities to offer location-based payment solutions to facilitate quick buying.

StoreHippo offers a full spectrum of digital payment solutions. With 60+ pre-integrated domestic and international payment gateways, you can provide your customers ease of shopping and choice of using their preferred payment options. StoreHippo also enables you to implement multiple payment gateways based on the location or device of the buyers and supports transactions in multiple currencies.

10. Support for different Business Models

Enterprise brands usually start with a business model but eventually diversify to hybrid models as the business grows. Also, your enterprise ecommerce can start with a few sales channels and eventually, feel the need to create a phygital presence. It thus becomes imperative to build your business on an ecommerce platform that has the inbuilt capabilities of supporting different business models like B2B, D2C, B2B, B2B2C and any custom hybrid business model. 

With the ever-evolving market dynamics, brands need an enterprise ecommerce solution that is equipped with features to help them pivot their business models easily. With the fast-changing ecommerce space, brands need battle-tested solutions for diverse business models with capabilities to tweak them for their unique business needs.

StoreHippo offers a fully hosted and managed enterprise ecommerce solution with built-in solutions to create disruptive hybrid business models.

With battle-tested solutions for B2B, B2C, D2C, B2B2C, Quick commerce and other hybrid business models StoreHippo enables enterprise brands to go to market in record time. Switching or combining any new business model with their existing model is also easy with StoreHippo’s inherent flexibility and adaptability.

Key Takeaway

The competitive and demanding online industry is growing by leaps and bounds. In this ever-changing environment, having a future-ready ecommerce technology partner is the cornerstone for enterprise ecommerce success. To match pace with changing buyer behaviour and keep customers engaged and happy, brands need enterprise ecommerce software that makes their brand future-proof by offering 360-degree solutions for growth.

Give your enterprise ecommerce brand a winning edge with the amazing features from StoreHippo. Check out our 300+ inbuilt features and tools that help enterprise brands improve efficiency, reach a wider market, and reduce their costs. Try our exclusive enterprise-grade features with a 14 day free trial

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These StoreHippo features are a game-changer for enterprise e-commerce brands! Thanks for the insights on how to gain a competitive edge.

By: Agastya Achari
Sep 21, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Agastya, thanks for appreciating our blog on Top 10 StoreHippo Features To Give Your Enterprise Ecommerce Brand An Edge Over Competition. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Sep 20, 2023

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I'm always impressed by the features offered by StoreHippo, and their post on the top 10 features for enterprise ecommerce brands was no exception. Their order fulfillment system sounds particularly impressive!

By: Daksha Mishra
May 11, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Daksha, thanks for appreciating our blog on Top 10 StoreHippo Features To Give Your Enterprise Ecommerce Brand An Edge Over Competition. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - May 10, 2023

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Wow these features really are cutting edge for any online store from enterprise to even small and mid businesses. I found this article very helpful and it will help me choose the perfect ecommerce platform for my online store

By: Ashish Sharma
Feb 13, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Ashish, thanks for appreciating our blog on Top 10 StoreHippo Features To Give Your Enterprise Ecommerce Brand An Edge Over Competition. If you need our help setting up an online store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Feb 12, 2023

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Oh I didn't know we can get all these features combined on a single enterprise ecommerce solution provider. Very informed and detailed way of presentation!

By: Virat Vaswani
Nov 03, 2022   Reply

Replies :
Hi Virat, thanks for appreciating our blog on Top 10 StoreHippo Features To Give Your Enterprise Ecommerce Brand An Edge Over Competition. If you need our help setting up an online store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Nov 02, 2022

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