Survey on utility, usage and issues of Mobile Apps

By | Sep 20, 2015 | 1425 views |
  • Survey on utility, usage and issues of Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps have substantiated as the next feature of technology. The burgeoning number of Smartphone users, increased internet penetration and dynamic shift towards mobile shopping are the driving factors behind the growing popularity of Mobile Applications. Moving in tandem with the current dynamics proffered by technology; businesses, government authorities, service providers and consumer-oriented ventures are readily moving their mediating platforms from websites to Mobile Applications. A number of enterprises have recently rolled out Mobile Only Platforms, shifting completely from website-based models. The paradigm shift from Websites to Mobile Applications is clear. However, in this context, the applicability of Mobile Apps is a critical facet to work out.

Utility, Usage and Issues of Mobile Applications from user’s point of view are important parameters for success of any mobile application and StoreHippo conducted on online survey on Mobile Applications. The Survey sample was 500, out of which 437 people replied, who were in the age group of 13 -60 years. Read on further for interesting questions and conclusions on Mobile Apps, as derived from the survey:

Are Mobile Apps a better way to explore things than desktop?

When asked about the Mobile App Usage, 76.47% conveyed that Mobile Apps are better way to explore than desktop computers. There were various reasons that came into notice that why they feel the need of these applications and how are they important. 

What are the reasons to use a Mobile App?

While 87.50% of the sample surveyed reported that they are in favor of apps because of it saves a lot of time, 53.13% reported to prefer apps to get specific information and 40.63% use them because they are easy to download. The convenience offered by apps is the major reason of its popularity, as they can be used anytime to access a service on the move. 

Mobile Apps are most popular in which age group?

Mobile Apps are most popular among the age group of 26 to 30 years with 32.35% of users within this age segment. It is followed by the age group 23 to 25 years with 29.41%. The student age group of 19 to 22 years as well as the age group 31 to 40 years comprises of 17.65% of users. The elderly age group of above 60 years comprises the smallest segment of mobile app users with just 2.94% of total users. The data signifies that apps are most popular among the earning millennial generation who are into jobs or businesses followed by upper age college and university students.

How long do you keep Mobile Apps on your device after downloading?

The usage of an app depends upon the retention of that application in your phone after downloading it.  41.18% of the total respondents stated that they keep an application in their phone for more than 3 months, 8.82% can keep for it for less than 15 days, 8.82% for just one month and 2.94% for only 15 days to a month. Moreover, 29.41% of people were not even sure about it so that they replied “Can’t Say”

Which categories of Apps are popular?

An intrinsic relation between users’ age group and popularity of specific categories of mobile applications is apparent while analyzing the popularity of specific apps. Shopping Apps, Social Media Apps, and Business Apps are the top categories with 76.47%, 70.59% and 67.65% of total users. This offers an insight on applicability of apps and their use. Travel and Navigation apps, Finance and Commerce, Entertainment Apps and News, Magazine and Politics Apps are used by 55.88%, 52.92%, 50% and 47.6% of total App users. Mobile Apps for Communication, Weather Reports, Education and apps related to lifestyle follow consecutively.

Which Mobile Apps are more useful?

In terms of usability or usefulness of apps, Social Media Apps, Shopping Apps and Business Apps beat the other categories. Communication, Travel and Navigation, Entertainment and News & Magazine Apps are also forerunning in the aspect of usefulness. 

Why do Mobile Apps lose their utility and significance?

The survey query on issues faced while using Mobile Application is insightful on quality of Apps. The bulky space used by Apps is the most pertinent issue as indicated by 57.58% of users. Technical issues such as Slowness, Freezing and Crashes comprise the next set of issues face by 54.55% of users. Advertisements within Apps are also indicated as a major issue for 48.48% of users. Problems such as Notifications, Battery Consumptions, and loss of relevance of the app are reported by respectively, 30.30%, 36.36% and 33.33% of total users. 

How soon do Mobile Apps lose their utility?

The survey indicated that most of the apps are kept in for more than 3 months and about 14% of users agree that the apps lose significance within 1 to 2 months or after 3 months.


The survey brought forth some interesting facts. It reaffirmed the supremacy of mobile apps, as an impressive number of respondents conveyed that Mobile Apps are better way to explore the web than desktop computers. Online shopping apps have emerged as a clear winner followed closely by Social Media Apps and Business Apps. This clearly proves the fact that Online Shopping through apps is the way forward and merchants should offer mobile apps for their stores. Another fact that emerged was that the major challenge faced by users is the bulky space used by Apps. So, apps should be designed by developers in such a way that they do not occupy too much memory space in a mobile device.

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