Mobile Commerce Facts: How to use them to grow your business

By | Jul 12, 2020 | 553 views |
  • Mobile Commerce Facts: How to use them to grow your business

Not very long ago, ordering online meant placing your order using a desktop or a laptop.

O, Yes! We didn’t have the lightweight mobile commerce sites or these handy apps at our disposal back then :D

 Thinking of those times makes you chuckle and reminiscence as if it happened in some other era. The change becomes even more pronounced when you register that perhaps no other technology had such a widespread impact in the last few years as m-commerce.

To have a better perspective, let’s see how mobile commerce sales grew over the last few years

Growing at an average of 33.8% year-on-year since 2016, M-commerce sales are projected to reach $3.56 trillion by 2021.  Mobile ecommerce sales are expected to be 54% of total ecommerce sales by 2021. (source)

But before we delve deeper, let’s first try to understand the basics of this new and popular form of business. 

What is Mobile Commerce?

Simply put, mobile commerce (m-commerce) is e-commerce done using wireless devices like smartphones, tablets etc. M-commerce is a part of ecommerce and it only defines the channel used to place the order.  

M-commerce basically establishes a copy of your retail store in your customers’ smartphones. This gives them the freedom and the ease to browse and buy products on the go. 

Why M-commerce Is Important For Your Business ?

With our dependence rather say addiction to smartphones, m-commerce is here to stay. Smartphones literally gave us a magic wand that opened up a whole new world for us. 

Right from connecting with our friends and family to watching the news, ordering food, booking tickets, buying gifts or everyday essentials and yes finding partners we do it all on our smartphones.

That’s the magic of mobile commerce, everything you need is just a touch away!

So whatever be your brand or business model, you need to have a mobile presence to reach your customers and grow your business.

Here are the top reasons why your business needs to have a strong m-commerce presence:

Your Customers Are On Mobile

With the ever-increasing penetration of mobiles and internet users, electronic commerce is rapidly tilting towards mobile. You can reach new markets like tier 2 and tier 3 cities only via mobile channels as that is the only way customers access ecommerce sites in these locations. So, having a mobile commerce presence is essential for your business. (Source)

Frequent and Bigger Orders

Mobile commerce promotes impulse buying with the ease it offers. Tell me if you haven’t bought a few items on impulse just because you liked it at that particular moment and could buy it by just clicking a couple of buttons. 

Yes, we all are guilty of doing it!

While buying on our smartphones we not only tend to order more often but mobile buyers are also known for placing bigger orders. This trend can be used smartly by your marketing team to boost your sales.

Boost Your Traffic

A mobile-friendly site can boost your traffic manifold. Google has made mobile-friendliness one of its top-ranking markers. So with mobile-optimized sites, you have a better chance of ranking better on SERPs and thus getting more visitors.

Also, when you give a seamless mobile commerce experience to your visitors, they keep coming back for more. What’s more, they also promote your brand through word of mouth promotions and bring even more customers to you.

Personalized Marketing

An average person checks his mobile phone 80-100 times every day. Yup, we are literally worming in and out of our smartphones every few minutes. And how does this help your business?

This helps you collect strategic insights into your customers buying and searching patterns. This not only helps you in pushing the products they are looking for but also helps you retarget them easily. 

Additional Sales Channel

Mobile commerce gives an additional sales channel to your business. Showrooming has been the trend among online buyers where they visit the retail store to examine and evaluate the product and then buy it online. 

By building a mobile presence you keep your customers loyal to your brand by offering an additional sales channel.

M-Commerce: The Mantra To Grow Your Business

Well, now you have reasons enough to build a better mobile presence for your brand. But how exactly do you do this to grow your business?

Worry not! 

StoreHippo has you covered with cutting edge mobile ecommerce solution

StoreHippo mobile ecommerce platform is built ground-up on the mobile-first principle. We build sites that give you a competitive edge. Here is what you get with StoreHippo and how it helps you grow your business:

Best Mobile Sites

Get a superfast, lightweight website that works seamlessly on all devices and keep your customers engaged. 

Optimized Content

Optimize your content and images easily for various screen sizes. This offers a memorable user experience and keeps your customers hooked to your brand.

Simple Search And Navigation

Mobile commerce is popular because it offers ease of buying. To offer ease of buying and facilitate faster checkout, StoreHippo offers easy navigation and advanced search features.

Better Product View

It is essential that your products are displayed well so the customers can check them on a small screen using zoom and 360-degree view. With StoreHippo you can easily offer this and also add product videos to offer an in-store experience to your buyers.

PWA Stores

All stores built using StoreHippo mobile ecommerce solutions are Progressive Web Apps(PWA). This means they look, feel and work as mobile apps even on entry-level devices and on poor connections. This helps you sell better in tier 2 and 3 markets where internet connectivity is an issue.

Inbuilt Marketing Tools

StoreHippo offers you a host of inbuilt marketing tools that help you maximize your marketing ROI. You can offer multi-level personalized discounts and retarget abandoned carts with auto follow up. Use push notifications to send personalized offers and boost your mobile commerce conversions.

Unleash The Power Of Social Media

Easily integrate with various social media platforms and offer your buyers with social sharing options to spread the word about your brand. Offer various discounts and coupons using the inbuilt discount engine to gently push your customers towards buying from you.

Wrap Up

Mobile commerce is the natural progression of ecommerce and it is going to grow in size and popularity in coming years. To make the best of this opportunity your business needs to be equipped with the best mobile ecommerce solution.

We at StoreHippo have the experience and the expertise to build the best m-commerce sites for B2B and B2C ecommerce businesses. Tap the huge potential of mobile commerce by building cutting edge mobile sites for your business. Explore our features or book a demo with our expert to take a guided tour now!

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