How to Turn your Enterprise Ecommerce Website into a Conversion Magnet

By | Apr 21, 2019 | views |
  • How to Turn your Enterprise Ecommerce Website into a Conversion Magnet

Launching your enterprise ecommerce website is no longer an arduous task, however, getting steady and strong conversions is!

Propelled by the massive increase in smartphone and internet usage, it is not surprising that forecasts suggest that by 2020, 70% of B2B search queries will start on mobile. Simply put, this means you have better chances of gaining an edge over your competitors if you make a website that attracts, engages and pushes your buyers towards conversion on mobile as well as desktop devices.

Clueless how exactly can you achieve this?

In this blog, StoreHippo experts bring to you tips and winning strategies that help you achieve your goals.

Decoding the Golden Rules To Turn Your Website Into A Conversion Magnet

To begin with, you need a strong and feature-rich enterprise ecommerce platform to power your business. This one decision can give or restrict the freedom to implement a number of changes in your store that are imperative to attracting more traffic and conversions.

Although a host of ecommerce solution providers offer B2B and enterprise solutions you need to evaluate these before you take the final call. Make sure you go for a flexible and scalable enterprise ecommerce platform that gives you the tools to experiment and supports your high-volume growth.

Once you have made a choice, let’s start building a website that gets your cash counter ringing;

Designed To Sell

Are you one of those B2B sellers who think that website design is important for B2C buyers only?

If you are nodding YES you need a reality check.

Did you know that a massive 94% of B2B buyers conduct online research before making their final purchase?  Well, this simply underlines the crucial role your website and its home page has in establishing a connection with your customers. An enterprise ecommerce website not only needs an attractive design but it also should be sticky so the customers are compelled to explore it. Some of the features that can help you leave a lasting impression are:

  • An overall beautiful theme and color scheme that resonates with your brand image
  • Easy search and navigation to help customers find products in no time
  • Clear and large product images and videos to help customers understand the product
  • Multi-tier product categories and catalogue
  • Exclusive landing pages for different B2B customer segments(based on geography, language etc)

StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce platform offers you the ability to implement all these features. You can choose from the beautiful themes library and makes changes to your design theme using the simple drag and drop tools. The inbuilt faceted search and multi-tier product display makes it easier for customers to search their products. The multi-store functionality helps to build multiple storefronts for segmented customers which are managed by a common admin.

Work With Words

You have created a beautiful enterprise ecommerce website but ever wondered how will your buyers come to know about it? Running paid ads is the first thing that comes to your mind but B2B is pretty different from its B2C counterpart. For B2B events work better than ads in lead generation and final conversion.

So is there any alternative that can build steady and regular organic traffic? Luckily there is a way to achieve this! You need to use the power of words effectively to bring your customers to your business.

We know that Google and other search engines love genuine and helpful content. Also, 57% of B2B marketers working for enterprise ecommerce websites are of the opinion that SEO using quality content is the most effective way of generating leads when compared to any other marketing initiative.

Wondering what tools you need to create an effective SEO plan that brings more leads to your B2B website. Here are a few things you would need;

  • SEO tools to optimize your website quickly and get higher SERP ranking faster
  • Blog engine to promote useful and SEO oriented content
  • Rating and reviews that generate long tail keywords through user-generated content
  • Brand building and digital presence through integrations with multiple social media platforms
  • Seamless CRM integration and mailing tools to keep customers engaged with your content and newsletters

StoreHippo’s SEO-friendly enterprise ecommerce platform offers you a host of tools(unique URLs for pages, meta title, meta description, meta tags, keywords, microdata etc.)  to optimize your b2B website and get higher traffic through improved SERP rankings. The powerful blog engine helps you create different blog categories and easily edit or publish blogs for various customer personas thus creating useful content. Easy integration with social platforms and CRM help you connect with customers through multiple channels. Rating and review option on various product pages further help you in getting better SERP ranking.

Power of Personalization

Well, you are done with building an engaging enterprise ecommerce website and creating rich content around it.  What should be the next step to make your customers actually fall in love with your brand? What is that one key that will create a personal bond with your customers?

Well, nothing creates a bonding better and faster than a personalized message to your customers. Personalized shopping experience makes your brand memorable and also saves the customers’ time thus making the sales process faster and simpler. Wondering how you can personalize the shopping experiences of your B2B customers?

Try out the following to witness a huge upward swing in your enterprise ecommerce website’s sale;

StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce platform offers a powerful discount engine and the ability to create dynamic marketing pages to give that extra punch to your marketing efforts. With a host of pre-integrated domestic and international payment gateways, you can create unique checkout flows and make their buying secure, smooth and faster. The unified notifications allow to target customers and gently push them towards closing a purchase. Empowered with all these features your B2B online store is bound to become the favourite of your customers’.


To win the competitive ecommerce battle it is imperative that B2B businesses pay attention to customers’ needs. Building a customer-friendly enterprise ecommerce website can take your business places. Along with increasing the customer lifetime value it also spreads the brand name through word of mouth.

All you need to achieve this is a good enterprise ecommerce platform which can be tweaked inside out to meet the complex demands of the growing B2B industry and its diverse customers.

StoreHippo has a comprehensive B2B ecommerce solution for businesses of all size. Try out the 14-day free trial and explore these to give a head start to your business.

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