How to start a blog that changes your online web store’s business incredibly?

By | Oct 12, 2016 | 1841 views |
  • How to start a blog that changes your online web store’s business incredibly?

Do you own a small or medium size online business and compete with the established players in your vertical? Are you seeking ways to differentiate yourself from their big budget marketing and sales plans? Looking for ways other than paid marketing to increase your traffic and sales? Trying to find opportunities where you can display your uniqueness and brand value?
If you have answered all of the above in “YES”, it is very likely that you have not yet explored the power of small business blog writing.

Well, you tried blogging for a while didn’t you? But, you did not see any immediate results from the activity and decided to invest the time an effort in something that gives instant ROI. You chose to go for PPC and other paid advertisements but despite the clicks you are not able to get good conversions?
Sounds familiar?
An overwhelmingly large number of SMEs fail to realize the importance of ecommerce blog as an effective marketing tool and quit it midway or indulge in it sporadically. If you fall in the same group, have a look at the following statistics from Hubspot’s Marketing Report 

It’s an eye opener in many ways and shows how astonishing results can be achieved by just one activity, BLOGGING! Have a look how blog writing gives your business,

  • 55% more visitors
  • 97% more inbound links
  • 434% more indexed pages
  • 57% of those who blog do acquire a customer from their blog
  • 81% of businesses claim their business blog ideas are useful/critical for their business.

How to use blogging to increase the traffic and sales of your website?

Convinced with the statistics you are all set to take your first steps towards business blogging, right? But, do you know what type of content you should start creating to help your business? Do you know the basics of blog writing and how to use it effectively to promote your business? Are you getting overwhelmed with the whole idea of blogging and don’t know how and where to begin with?
StoreHippo e commerce platform experts know that it’s not easy to initiate a content plan and begin blogging. So, we have compiled a handy guide to help you plan your content strategy right from the time of planning your business.
Let start together and overcome blogging jitters with expert suggestions;

Well begun is half Done

Brush your basics and target to write SEO optimized content for not only your blog posts but for the whole site. Even your images, product descriptions and rest of the site content should be optimized and interlinked to get the maximum benefit from your blogging. Check out the following links to get some of the best blog writing tips;

Blog to create your Brand

Every business needs a personality to connect with its customers. This is more significant in case of online businesses as they do not have a physical presence to connect with their customers. Blogging   provides you the ideal platform where you can discuss ideas, issues, insights and every other aspect of your business.
To build your brand identity, make a list of varied business blog ideas that interests your target audience. Frame your content policy and blog posts around these ideas that helps answer the queries of your target audience.
Check out StoreHippo expert advice to sell better and establish your online business as a brand with blogging;

How StoreHippo makes it super easy to start blogging for your online business!

At StoreHippo e commerce platform, we understand the huge importance of blogging for the success of your overall marketing strategy. It is one of the most cost effective ways to get better results from your SEO. With right approach, you can even turn your blog into an indirect sales channel to engage and convert your potential buyers.
With this understanding StoreHippo platform includes an exclusive blog feature that allows you to publish your blog in 10 simple steps. Let us explore it;

1. Login to the Admin panel of your StoreHippo webstore and go to “Site” section and select “Blog Posts”. 

2. Click on “Add New”.  

3. Paste your blog Title and Blog content in relevant fields of the business blog template.

4. Give author name and upload your blog image

5. In the SEO section provide your keywords, blog heading, image title and description.

6. If you have “sitemap priority” or “canonical URL” specify in the related fields
7. Add blog category and date of publishing you want to show on your online retail store
8. Check the “publish” box
9. Click on “save and continue” button to publish the blog

10.That’s it and you are done!


Explore blogging, create regular fresh and informative content and keep updating your blog frequently. Drive better traffic and increase your conversions on online selling websites with the right tone and content of your blog posts.
If you know any more tips to improve the content and blog quality of your business, do let us know in comments below.

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