How to Maximize Conversions with Multi-Channel Customer Care

By | Nov 27, 2018 | 994 views |
  • How to Maximize Conversions with Multi-Channel Customer Care

Have you ever heard of a saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”? This is what a multi-channel precisely means. If you have handled an e-commerce customer care platform, you can easily relate to it. When you are focusing on a single means of customer care, you miss out different prospects of earning client satisfaction.

When you see the bigger picture, managing customer support system is not an easy job. Numerous queries, countless complaints, and constant calls; it is all about setting up priorities, isn’t it? If the client is happy with your support services, he can be your marketing gizmo. Word-of-mouth is an old but trusted method to increase conversion rates.

Use of multiple channels helps provide better services to the clients. Today customer care support is not just limited to phone calls. You can also use SMS, emails, live chats, and even Social Media to reach out. No stone has been unturned in helping customers and keeping them happy.

But only sending messages on one mode may be a total waste. What if the client doesn’t use that platform, or doesn’t check his emails. Your words will fall on deaf ears without serving the purpose. Therefore, it is wise to use multiple channels for customer support, because at the end of the day, customers matter!

List of different multiple channel options for your e-commerce business to support the customers well

E-mail Notifications 

Yes, it's email! In the era of social media, emails may look primitive to most of us. But email has its own appeal. It is not only reliable but also provides privacy and absolute ownership of the content. It is still the most trusted professional mode of communication. Receiving email from an e-commerce platform is one of the most influential tools that connect customers to customer care units.

If a customer connects email notification for their store, they will definitely get a better response. Let me give you more reasons to believe why it is better:

  • Inexpensive and easily accessible
  • Two-way communication
  • Connect to a large audience
  • Less distraction for customer

Email customization is another feature that is easily possible and makes it an excellent choice. You can not only use designs of your choice but also edit it multiple times before sending it to the customers.

Another amazing feature of emails is the drip email that makes email an all time favourite. It is a setting that sends auto emails from the backend for follow up after events like abandoned cart, order placement, out for delivery etc.

StoreHippo delivers an e-commerce solution with upright  email notification features. These solutions send email notifications to promote your business, and at the same time provide consistent support to the customers.

Push Notifications

Push notifications on your phones have a great potential value in terms of marketing. Although some people find it annoying, surveys claim that the majority of customers prefer to enable this feature. The best part is that they are permission based. Therefore it is important that customers who enable this feature to get the best out of it.

Here are a few things to keep in mind while dealing with push notification: 

  • Know your target audience
  • Refer to statistics first
  • Create Engaging matter for the customer
  • Know when the customer wants it

To help your business grow, StoreHippo has unique features like push notifications in their e-commerce solution. It not only increases the usual traffic but also allows customers to get to you easily. Therefore, the customer support channel is all about caring for the customers and sending tailored messages based on their browsing pattern

SMS Notification 

SMS has been a method of communication to reach out to customers easily till date. For customer service, Text SMS is considered to be the best, as it has a two-way communication mode. It not only consumes less time but is also cost-effective.
The key benefits of using SMS notification are:  

  • Works without internet
  • Customer experience improved
  • High opening rate
  • Address large audiences

With such high paybacks, StoreHippo has integrated SMS services in its e-commerce solution. With this feature, your online business will grow and always keep you ahead in the support race.

Live Chat 

In the world where things are getting more virtual, Live Chat is a saviour when it comes to client support. The instant replies not only solve customer issues but also make them feel important.

For those who do not know what live chat is, it allows direct communication between customer and service support, via chat. But it’s more than just that. It keeps the client satisfied.

The major advantages of live chat are :

Live chat makes communication a lot easier for the clients. StoreHippo's unique e-commerce solution has an option of customizing this feature that will not only enhance your potential but also increasing client contentment.

Social Media 

It is very important to have a strong social media presence in today’s digital industry. Social media is one of the most influential means for promoting your e-commerce store. Targeting customers and reaching out to them is simple and affordable. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are used to provide customer service and attend to maximum possible client queries. For instance, when a customer asks for product information, they receive a quick response on social media.

Choose an e-commerce service that integrates your store with social media sites and redirect the traffic to your store. Social media marketing strategies will be quite handy while implementing this strategy.


Being a successful business owner, it is your moral responsibility to analyze which channel works best for your business. All the above features have a positive impact on the customer care and support unit. You can also implement the following points while working on multichannel customer support –

  • Keep consistency in your messages
  • Give social media links on your store and at different platforms
  • Display positive client feedback and testimonials.

These points will not only help the customers to remember your brand’s name but also build trust and confidence.

Why StoreHippo?

Since notification is the initial step for communication, StoreHippo platform platform provides all the above notification systems in their e-commerce solution. It gives the client, the flexibility to modify the solution as per their prerequisites.

Exclusive range of e-commerce services and deals are available that not only gives a backup for a better customer support system, but also sustain the business growth. For more details on how to enhance your e-commerce platforms, reach StoreHippo at [email protected] or Book a demo with our experts.

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