How to make your customers revisit your online store frequently?

By | Feb 26, 2017 | 2 Comments | 107 views |
  • How to make your customers revisit your online store frequently?

For all those who own websites, it’s life will depend a lot on the traffic it creates. Aside from that, it must also have the ability to attract old visitors back. To achieve this, here are some tips that you need to know about.

Offer buyers the luxury of choice             

It is important that you also give your visitors a number of choices. : To do so, you need to consider a few things.
First is taste. Then there is budget and of course the need or want for it. In this manner, you are going to offer them what they are looking for. You can even add in several features like payment modes and shipping options. Offering multiple payment options and delivery choices go a long way in making your clientele loyal to your site.

A beautiful store

The best way to do this is to visit your store itself. The design and layout of what you see play an important role in bringing back customers. If it is beautiful and easy to navigate, they will come back. If not, they will just log off and look for other related sites. It is important to capture the visitor’s intentions of reading and buying within the first 2 to 3 seconds. At that point, they already know whether they will stay or not.

Also, your store should be ready for mobile customers and offer a responsive design and layout of your site which remains same across various devices.

Don’t let them forget you

Offer something that will make them remember your website. This is where the recall of your brand name comes in. There are two things you want to achieve with this. First is that they remember the brand. Second, they remember your products or services.
Packaging is one of the key contributors to brand recall. The manner in which you pack your product will make it stand head above shoulders from the rest. You can make it quirky or even sophisticated. The important thing is that it creates that wow factor that will make your customers remember the name on it.

Video Libraries

At times, a video presentation is more powerful that just plain text content. It is the same content but somehow a video tends to stick to their minds.

It does not matter if the video is not of the best quality, what is important is that you get the message across in a way that will make the visitor remember. As long as it is decently produced and has a well thought off message to convey then you are good to go.

Redefining customer care

One of the important aspects of online businesses is to provide the best customer care assistance. A lot of customers have been turned off by bad customer care. If this happens, you not only lose a customer, but chances are the competition will win them over to their side.

You can just imagine what an unsatisfied customer can do to your reputation. They tell about their bad experiences on their social network accounts aside from telling their circle of friends about it.
Hence, it becomes essential that you pay utmost attention to your customer queries and focus on addressing customer grievances timely.

Dynamic Design

You may think that since you only have a small online business you do not have to have a dynamic design for your website. WRONG! Times are changing very fast especially the field of technology. If your website stays idle then people might not come back thinking it is boring and has nothing new to offer. There are so many things you can do like add photos weekly or edit text content every now and then with regards to updates

Social media activity

The freedom to promote. This is one of the biggest advantages you can get from taking advantage of social networks. If you include your ads you have to pay. But, you can also use the social networks free of cost by creating your brand presence and actively promoting your brand by posts, images or different write ups. Additionally, you can also start selling directly from your social media page and can use your social network traffic.


Using the above techniques, you can not only improve your sales but can also keep your old customers coming back to your site for more.

About the Author

Mark O Carver is an avid fan of social experiments and he applies his learning towards creating marketing strategies both online and offline. He admires the firm Zea Prokou for their effective CSR

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