How to Grow your Business with the Best Enterprise ecommerce platform in India

By | Nov 08, 2020 | 753 views |
  • How to Grow your Business with the Best Enterprise ecommerce platform in India

The digital revolution for wholesale business has happened already. The Gen Z customers are technologically advanced, informed, and seek everything online. Thanks to this generation and tremendous B2B market opportunities, the mega ecommerce business is growing at an unprecedented speed.

But hold on, do you still think that moving online for large-scale businesses is difficult, time-consuming, and painful? With the advent of enterprise ecommerce software, the answer is a BIG NO.

With the immense popularity of enterprise ecommerce platforms, it has become as easy as pie to get a one-stop wholesale business solution and manage the large-scale business challenges like increasing competition, business complexities, B2B technology and infrastructure.

In a nutshell, an enterprise ecommerce software handles these challenges on your behalf and lets your business reach new heights. It allows you to handle the complex business processes in order to deliver with least manual interventions. The best ecommerce platform is the one that is ready to grow with your company today, tomorrow, and beyond.

So how to make a perfect choice? 

The modern enterprise ecommerce software comes with a great set of features but you need to understand the suitability of those features for your large-scale business. Before you go ahead to choose the solution, follow these steps:

  • Know your business objectives
  • Outline your specific needs
  • Analyse your business model
  • Find out your challenges

Start your way to grow your business with the best enterprise ecommerce platform in India

Choosing a right wholesale ecommerce solution is crucial for your business. It needs to have common business features for large scale businesses. And at the same time, it should offer extensibility to offer new features and workflows by customizing your B2B ecommerce solution.

 Let’s understand the features to give your online business a competitive edge.

1. Enterprise scalability

Scalability has become the foremost requirement for wholesale businesses. The large-scale businesses are meant to scale, grow, and evolve rapidly. Hence, it becomes a necessity to get a solution that can scale with the business growth and adapt to the changing business needs.

Just like StoreHippo offers a highly scalable enterprise ecommerce software that can handle peak load while delivering high site performance. Some platforms have better tools to support flexibility for large scale business, while others have features to upscale the online businesses. StoreHippo tick both the boxes by offering all the tools you need to grow your business. In addition, the developed sites are SEO-friendly to get better online traffic and conversions.

2. Future-ready technology support

In this tech-savvy world, keeping up with the customer expectations has become mandatory. Just like in retail ecommerce, the technological advancements have enabled the shoppers to gauge prices, make fair judgements, track their orders, and shop globally. The technology has dramatically changed the online wholesale businesses to support your business growth. The future-ready technology is the first thing in your checklist if you are searching the best enterprise ecommerce platform in India. Here are some benefits of modern technology offered by StoreHippo:

  •   Allows extensive customizations according to unique business requirements
  •   Mobile responsiveness and support PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) for native-like experience
  •   Robust site security and highly-secure payment gateways
  •   Auto upgrades without any additional cost
  •   Capability to tweak the business processes and flows to customize enquiry forms, templates, etc.

3. SaaS as a success path

Managing a high-volume business is different from the retail business but handling it on the enterprise ecommerce software has become easier than ever before. A SaaS-based platform allows your business to have an ecommerce solution on rent where you can utilize the modern technology and features for your wholesale business and achieve greater business growth. According to Statistica, SaaS accounts to approximately $90 billion in online revenue and it is expected to cross $100 billion in near future.

Choosing a SaaS-based ecommerce platform like StoreHippo provides a bundle of services like managed hosting, upgrades, marketplace solution, technology support. 

And you can get the host of services and support on a minimal subscription.

4. Comprehensive B2B solution

While most of the high-volume businesses are hip to the benefits of running an ecommerce store, others are still working on archaic routes like phone, email etc. Well, not all ecommerce platforms have the capability to handle high-volume transactions, so selecting the right solution with the right set of features is a must.  

StoreHippo is an enterprise ecommerce software that incorporates extensive features for large scale businesses and helps them grow online. You can also achieve better business growth with the B2B specific features like pricing overrides, powerful tax engine, order enquiry, custom enquiry forms, request a quote etc. help you automate the complex business processes. 

5. Seamless integrations

Every business is unique and has different requirements. But you cannot buy each and everything to use, for example; the services like multiple payment options, logistics etc. The key to success in the online world lies with seamless third-party integrations. StoreHippo is the best enterprise ecommerce platform in India that understands all the needs of your high-volume business and lets you achieve better business growth and sustain it over the time.

6. High-end security

As a wholesale business, achieving the exact business requirements is critical but handling everything with security is even more important. Security and privacy being the backbone of your ecommerce platform, it is important to run your business on a secure website. StoreHippo offers extensive security features like SSL encryption, two-way authentication, granular user roles, audit log, PCI-DSS compliant payment gateways. These features help you to be safe from common data breaches and attacks.  

7. Personalized user experience

Personalization has become a buzzword in the ecommerce industry and today, B2B buyers also seek personalized experience like never before. But you need not to do anything manually, your enterprise ecommerce software can do it effortlessly. StoreHippo offers a host of features and tools like login-based pricing, personalized landing pages, unified notifications (SMS, email, mobile) to personalize the experience of users. 

Why should you choose StoreHippo for your business growth?

You must be clear till now that your choice of ecommerce platform can make or break your business. This decision gets even more crucial in case of high-volume businesses because the rigid platforms can lead to increased complexities for large businesses. And it’s never too late to choose the best enterprise ecommerce platform in India.

The B2B arena has evolved a lot and added a lot of newfound business complexities. It required an advanced solution to address the specific B2B elements. StoreHippo offers an advanced set of B2B features with an edge of mobile commerce. The platform has been adapting to new changes and built on the next-generation technology to offer a comprehensive enterprise ecommerce software to support your business growth.

With the rich features, Storehipo also offers a host of inbuilt customizations in forms, invoicing, tax engine, unique pricing structure for business-to-business model, and a lot more. With StoreHippo, you will never have to look back in your online success journey. Explore the full-fledged solution by starting your 14-day free trial now. 

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