How to create a B2B ecommerce website for global markets

By | Mar 09, 2021 | 870 views |
  • How to create a B2B ecommerce website for global markets

B2B ecommerce sales are topping the charts and dwarfing even B2C sales. It clearly indicates the massive opportunities offered by global enterprise ecommerce and simply too big to ignore. Does it sound like a huge task to take your business at international scale? But it is actually not if you have the best B2B ecommerce solution at place.

Making a global B2B ecommerce website

Going global takes a lot of work because you need to win the hearts and minds of a brand new audience every time you enter a new market. But a B2B ecommerce solution can make your global journey easier. It eliminates all your barriers to do business globally and lets you leverage the online opportunities worldwide. It is not just a technology platform to run your online business. But it helps you scale internationally, from adjusting to different cultures to complying with different legislations – and everything else.

Let’s dig a bit deeper to check out the go-global features of a B2B ecommerce website that will help you scale your business to the next level.

1. Mobile-first approach

Everyone is aware that ecommerce is growing constantly but did you know that mobile commerce is growing at an even faster rate? Marketing is where the audience is. Today, most of the audiences are on mobile with the growing number of smartphone and tablet users. And if you are still thinking, “How to Create a B2B Ecommerce Website” that slays the global market, then you must consider mobile commerce.

The global markets are evolving continually and to ace in the dynamic markets, you need to evolve with the new changes. Having a feature-rich B2B platform like storeHippo never lets you down. It offers a complete ecommerce solution to match your business needs. The next-generation mobile commerce solution arms you with just the right tools and help you succeed in global markets. Moreover, building Android/iOS apps with our B2B e commerce solution got easier than ever before. What’s more, your online stores built on StoreHippo are PWA (Progressive Web Apps) that make your website look and feel like mobile apps on all devices to help you get maximum mobile orders.

Having a feature-rich B2B platform like StoreHippo never lets you down with 300+ inbuilt features and offers a complete solution for all your online business needs. You can also build Android/iOS apps with our ready-to-go B2B ecommerce solution without any additional costs. What’s more, your online stores built on StoreHippo are PWA (Progressive Web Apps) that make your website look and feel like mobile apps on all devices to help you get maximum mobile orders.

2. Multilingual webstore

Have you ever purchased a product from an international website and found that the buying instructions are written in another language? Now, put yourself in the shoes of customers for a moment and feel the frustrating experience. So, this is where the multilingual features in your B2B ecommerce solution comes into the picture. Today, over 55% of the website content across the world is written in English language as it is considered as a primary language of communication with international audiences. And yes, it is true up to a certain extent as English is the third most popular language in the world.  But at the same time, there are billions of people on this planet who do not speak English at all.

StoreHippo lets your customers access your B2B ecommerce website when they want it, where they want it, and in exactly the same language they want it. The powerful multilingual site features provide extensive support of 100+ languages, automatic translations, bulk translations, shows language based on the geography of users, mobile app language support, and much more. Don’t get stuck only to the question – How to Create a B2B Ecommerce Website? Get over it, develop more engaging relationships with customers and drive greater business results with StoreHippo.

3. Multi-store management

If you own an online business and do not cater to the needs of different audience segments, you will miss out on a lot of potential sales. On the other side, creating a tailored online store for different audience groups is also not a feasible option. The best option to make use of an extraordinary feature of B2B ecommerce solution called multi-store ecommerce. It allows you to create and manage multiple storefronts from a central dashboard.  

While catering the global markets, language is not the only bar. There are many countries who share the same language but still have different demands. The multi-store features offered by StoreHippo let you handle all of these demands and offer a road to personalization too. Your customers from across the world can find out what’s most relevant to them. Catering to the different audiences through multiple stores delivers a competitive edge and better business performance.

4. Dynamic B2B features

Many things have changed in the wholesale business world with technological innovation and digital transformation. Primarily, millennials are leading this new digital wave and views the B2B purchase process from the lens of B2C consumers. The result is that they visit the websites with a lot of expectations of an amazing website with highly personalized user experience. Is your B2B ecommerce solution able to deliver their expectations? If not, then you need to rethink your choice of ecommerce platform. With the entry of millennials in the B2B arena, it has become a necessity to ignite the growth of enterprise businesses. And doing it with StoreHippo is as easy you can ever think of. Some of the B2B specific features offered by StoreHippo includes customized quotations, enquiries, pricing overrides, white labelling, wholesale and retail pricing, comprehensive tax rule engine. We ensure that your high-volume orders are managed seamlessly without any additional cost, time, and efforts.

5. Global Payment methods

If you have got your answer to the question - How to Create a B2B Ecommerce Website? Did you know that a whopping 85% of the online businesses believe that poor payment experience is the key reason for lost sales? Well, it clearly indicates that this is the right time to think about customer engagement and satisfaction.. And we are sure that you will never want to lose any sale because of this reason. And in case of global markets, most of the customers are concerned about the payment options and security.

Offering secure payment methods to your customers can drive most of your lost sales and ultimately, improve sales. StoreHippo offers international payment gateways to extend your customer base globally. The multicurrency feature allows you to convert potential customers and sell across the globe by offering prices in different currencies.

Final word

How can StoreHippo make your B2B website a global success?

With the never-ending business demands, you will need to expand your business to the global market and need go-global features in your enterprise website. With the right tools and technologies at your disposal, going global will be as easy as pie for you.

 The ready-to-go B2B ecommerce solution offered by StoreHippo powers your online business, creates your global presence, and helps you grow successfully in the international market. The robust inbuilt tools and features are the need of the hour to take your business to new markets and help you explore global growth possibilities. Schedule a 14-day free trial to check out these amazing go-global features of the platform.

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