How to Create a B2B Ecommerce Website and Make It Popular

By | Sep 23, 2020 | 786 views |
  • How to Create a B2B Ecommerce Website and Make It Popular

B2B shows no sign of slowing down in the growing field of ecommerce. As more and more businesses are going online, B2B website development is set to boom even more in the coming years. A research by Merit claims that over 73% of the buyers in wholesale businesses are millennials and prefer to buy online. This fact has led to enormous growth to the online business for enterprise businesses. 

In fact, it is anticipated that enterprise ecommerce will grow two times bigger than B2C by 2021, which clearly means that there are much bigger things for business-to-business ecommerce on the horizon. Also, global ecommerce is expected to reach more than $24 billion by 2025. 

Are not these facts exciting enough to think “How to Create a B2B Ecommerce Website?”

Let’s start with the step-by-step guide to create a website for your enterprise business.

Planning an enterprise ecommerce website

Before you dive into the development of wholesale ecommerce business, consider planning your online store in the first place. Setting up a successful online store that shows an array of products of different businesses can become a baffling task if it is not planned well. Ask yourself some questions such as:

  • What do you want to achieve from the large scale online store?
  • What are the business workflows and modules required in the online store?
  • What are the mandatory business modules to automate your online store?
  • How does the B2B ecommerce solution fit into the overall business strategy?
  •  What can be the unique selling propositions of a website?
  • What can help you to increase efficiency and grow your business?
  • What defines the success of  enterprise ecommerce projects?

This step will provide a blueprint to develop your online business and enhance your opportunities to achieve success.


Selection of your ecommerce platform

Once you are clear about business objectives, it is the time to decide the backbone of your business. Selecting your B2B ecommerce solution is not a plain software selection task. It is an enterprise-grade job and you simply cannot rely on any platform that is not scalable enough to match your business growth.

If you are seeking a flexible ecommerce platform with many advanced features for your online marketplace, StoreHippo provides a complete spectrum of tools and features. It also provides extensive customizations for your bespoke needs and business expectations.

 Choose the design for your website

The website design is all about building a seamless view of your online store for your customers. Well, design does not only mean the aesthetics part of it but the overall experience of the website visitor counts. Still thinking, How to Create a B2B Ecommerce Website that provides an excellent online shopping experience to the buyers. You can easily choose the ready-made theme library of StoreHippo to get started with the best-in-class look and feel of your website.

Make your customizations

Building and maintaining an enterprise ecommerce project is not a one-time task. It requires regular updates, customizations, business workflow changes, automation, and much more. But the good thing is that you need not to hire different people for all of these tasks.

A one-stop B2B ecommerce solution can do it for you with state-of-the-art customizations. StoreHippo does not only offer beautiful themes but also offer great functionalities to customize your online store. You can also create your own out-of-the-box business flows and handle other business challenges.

Integrate with systems

An enterprise ecommerce store seems to be just an online store that serves enterprises and wholesalers. But in reality, it is integrated with endless systems like logistics, payments, marketing automations, mailing software, CRM, ERP, and more. A flexible B2B ecommerce solution like StoreHippo helps you to integrate with multiple systems and streamline workflows in a much better manner. It will help you automate all your online business processes like product management, order, inventory, enquiry forms, etc.

Go live

Once you are done with the online store setup, customizations, and integrations, you are all set to start your enterprise ecommerce store. Now, the time starts to market your website well among customers, distributors, suppliers, retailers, and create a buzz in the market. Another tip when you go live is to keep evolving with the online marketing landscape and then, nothing else can stop you from winning the digital world.

Now, you know “How to Create a B2B Ecommerce Website?”, it is extremely important to make it popular to run your business and earn money. Ecommerce is definitely a growing field but it also comes with a lot of competition. So, here you can discover everything you need to know to start your business-to-business ecommerce project and make it popular in the digital world.

Know how to maximize your business profits with B2B ecommerce solution 

Mobile-first approach

A report has indicated some incredible findings about the need for a mobile-first approach on a  large scale ecommerce platform.

  • 70% of the wholesale customers have increased usage of mobile, for information search and product research
  • 60% of enterprise customers use their mobile to make their final purchase decision for their business

It clearly indicates that an enterprise online store needs to be built on a mobile-first approach to acquire, engage, and retain customers. Just like StoreHippo offers a mobile-friendly platform, PWA stores, and mobile apps to reach a wider target audience.

Seamless shopping experience

When you have got your answer to the question, “How to Create a B2B Ecommerce Website?”, it is also important to build an online store that sustains in the competitive market. StoreHippo helps you offer a seamless shopping experience to your buyers so that they keep coming back on to your website again and again.


Personalized Marketing

Personalization is the key to success in the online business. The new age enterprise buyers do not wish to only make business deals over the ecommerce platform. They look for the product offers and deals that are made just for them. You can also take your marketing personalization to the next level with StoreHippo. It allows you to offer personalized offers on the basis of order volume, location, devices with real-time notifications. Check all the advanced marketing features here.


User-friendly ordering system for enterprise-level customers

Handling high-volume orders on your enterprise online store is not at all difficult when you have an enterprise-level B2B ecommerce solution in place. StoreHippo offers an extensive set of features specific to wholesale businesses like bulk order processing, separate order payments, easy commission system, and much more.


Build your B2B ecommerce store with StoreHippo

Building your online store with StoreHippo can take your online store to the next level and help you stay ahead of the competition. Along with a gamut of enterprise-grade features, it offers an ideal B2B ecommerce solution with modern tools to grow your business. Furthermore, you can scale your business by creating multi-store, multi-vendor marketplace, and global business solutions with ready-to-go ecommerce stores.

Don’t wait anymore to take your wholesale business online and leverage the enterprise market opportunities before it gets too late. Start your 14-day free trial to explore the platform and kick start your online business journey.

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