How to Build an Online Store that Becomes Popular in 30 Days

By | Jun 23, 2019 | 1 Comments | 532 views |
  • How to Build an Online Store that Becomes Popular in 30 Days

Are you among those who dream to own their very own online store one day? Do you have grand visions of working in your pyjamas from home while your online store rakes in sales on auto-pilot? Regardless of whether this is your first time setting up an online business or you have been playing this game for a long time now, this article will teach you how to build an online store that becomes popular in 30 days.

StoreHippo is an innovative ecommerce platform which has compiled the experience of some of its successful store owners for this blog. And based on our research, we present expert tips to help you launch a popular and successful business. Our primary goal has always been to help get your online store up and running.

So, let’s get started

Day 1 to 3: Pick your niche

There are many first-timers out there who don’t put a great deal of thought into their niche (psst.. I know you are not one of them). But, generally speaking, it’s a bad idea for your ecommerce website since your niche impacts not only your sales figures but also how much effort you’re willing to put in customer support besides whether or not you will have repeat customers. So let’s tread here carefully.

Day 1 is all about pricing i.e. if you sell cheaper items, more people will purchase but your AOV will be smaller. And if you sell expensive items, fewer people will buy but your AOV will be higher. You will think about your niche in terms of brand loyalty, popularity, and longevity on the second and third day of building an online store.

Day 4 and 5: Choose between holding your own products and dropshipping

The fourth and fifth day will be spent deciding whether you want to dropship or hold your own products. I mentioned drop shipping here because recently it has become very popular because

  • It doesn’t require capital to purchase goods.
  • You can list unlimited items at negligible risk.
  • You don’t have to worry about warehousing costs.
  • There are no picking and packing activities involved.

And if you chose to hold your own products for your ecommerce website, it means

Now, both dropshipping and ‘holding your own goods’ comes with its own set of challenges. Research them as well so as to make an informed decision on the best choice for you.

Day 6 and 7: Brainstorm a business name

I believe two days are enough to pick a business name. Now, it may not make it or break it as the niche you choose but is still enough to put a halt to building your online store. Below are some do’s and do not’s to help you pick a name.

  • Pick a name with significance.
  • Pick one that’s easy to pronounce.
  • While doing so, be as original as possible.
  • Don’t go for a lengthy name
  • Try to avoid a name that’s a combination of words and numbers.
  • Also, avoid a name that refers to a specific product or product line.

Day 8: Register your domain name

Your eighth day is entirely dedicated to choosing a domain name. Here are a few pointers to consider for your ecommerce website.

  • Pick the right country code (for example, go for .com to target international customers). Use country-specific codes if you only want to sell in that particular country.
  • Try avoiding brand or product names in your domain as well, they can get you into legal trouble.
  • Be unique with your brand name. Try to stand out from the crowd but don’t be too obscure.
  • Lastly, if possible, try adding a keyword to your domain name, it will really help you get more traffic for your website.

Day 9 to 11: Select products to sell

Next step to building an online store after you have successfully chosen a niche, a business name, and a URL is to figure out the products you need to sell. While doing so, keep these things in mind.

  • Look for products that offer a good margin.
  • Find things to sell that comes with low shipping costs.
  • Don’t go blindfolded, choose something you care about.
  • Find things you can make improvements on.
  • And lastly, as I mentioned before, avoid name brand goods.

Day 12 to 17: Source suppliers for the products you selected

Now that you know which products to sell for your ecommerce website, finding the suppliers won’t be difficult right? No comments! Let’s see what you need to do to source suppliers.

  • Try the manufacturer of the product first.
  • If not, you can try your luck with a wholesale supplier whom you can search on Google.
  • You can also join industry groups, forums, and other professional networks.
  • Subscribing to all of your industry’s trade publications.
  • If possible, attend a trade show.

Creating a perfect supply chain involves a lot of trial and error. So, get into the game.

Day 18 to 21: Build your online store with StoreHippo

Now when it comes to creating an online store, going for a turnkey solution that is flexible and scalable can be your best bet. StoreHippo offers all of this and it is one of the most painless, fuss-free and well-rounded solution available in the market. Let me show you an easy way to create your online store with StoreHippo.

  • Create your free store by entering your email id, store name, and other such details.
  • Add company details and logo to finish your store set up.
  • Upload the products you have selected earlier with their images.
  • Set up payment gateways and shipping methods.
  • Lastly, pay for a suitable subscription plan as your budget and feature requirements

And that’s how easy it is to build an ecommerce website with StoreHippo! Great job.

Day 22 to 26: Set up a company and get a sales tax registration

Once you have got your products, suppliers, and your website in place, it’s time to think about setting up a business entity by registering for sales tax. Currently, it is known as a value-added tax or VAT. So, let’s see how you can register for VAT in India.

  • Apply to the sales tax department.
  • You will be issued a reference number.
  • Deposit the security money depending on the nature of your ecommerce website.
  • Issuance of TIN number
  • Issuance of original VAT certificate

I know it’s a bit of hassle but don’t put this off. You don’t want to get into trouble with the law, do you?

Day 27 to 30: Market your new online store

Hang in there buddy, you have come to the last part of how to successfully build an online store. Marketing. You cannot miss this, which is why I have prepared a whole list of marketing strategies.

  • Content marketing to create and distribute, valuable, relevant and consistent content to help build trust.
  • Search engine optimization to rank better in search engines.
  • Social media marketing to promote your products or services through social media sites.
  • Pay-per-click marketing to buy visits to your website.
  • Email marketing to send emails to prospects for promoting your brand.
  • Influencer marketing to engage and support the people who create high-impact conversations with your customers.

Online marketing, if done correctly for your ecommerce store, has the potential to reach unlimited prospects and get you those well-desired sales within a month. For instance, you can start a blog to help create brand awareness and generate more sales.

Similarly, paid promotions help you reach new audiences, increase revenue and much more. With these killer marketing strategies mentioned above, you can create an online buzz which will help you kick-start sales of your online store within the first month of launching your online store.

But, before leaving, a final word of advice. Do not hesitate or wait for the perfect moment to build an online store, it never comes. Go ahead and do it. Why not start your 14-day free trial with StoreHippo right away and take the first step towards a memorable online journey!

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To make an online store popular you need to try out different marketing techniques and use different strategies. This article explains how to make an online store more popular. Extensive and informative blog

By: Divya Garg
Jan 12, 2023   Reply

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Hi Divya, thanks for appreciating our blog on How to Build an Online Store that Becomes Popular in 30 Days. If you need our help setting up an online store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Jan 11, 2023

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