How Do B2B Ecommerce Customizations Help In Selling Better

By | Jun 29, 2021 | 1 Comments | 660 views |
  • How Do B2B Ecommerce Customizations Help In Selling Better

No matter the industry you’re selling in or the type of customers you sell to, every customer has unique requirements. And as a business owner, you need to fulfil the expectations of customers to sustain in the industry.

Though enterprise businesses have long been trying to segment their customers based on pricing tiers. For example, the gold, silver, and bronze tier customers have access to different pricing and promotions based on their business relationship. But the key to personalizing a B2B buyer experience is a B2B ecommerce software that can level up your B2B customization game.

While B2B personalization is not about impulse buying like B2C personalization. It is more about getting the enterprise buyers to purchase more efficiently and conveniently and encourage their further engagement.

Why personalization in B2B ecommerce?

  • 73% of B2B buyers want personalized experiences, similar to the B2C-like customer experience. 

  • 77% of B2B buyers are ready to pay more for chosen, recommended products that are personalized for them.

  • 93% of B2B marketers that created personalized content were able to increase their revenues over time.

Now, how do wholesale businesses create a personalized experience that’s similar to B2Cs’? How will they customize the sales process for their corporate and business clients? Explore how customization helps in increasing the sales of your online wholesale business store. 

  • Using personalized marketing on your enterprise store boosts sales

  • Automates the pricing and quoting based on the customer’s specific requirement through B2B ecommerce software

  • Helps in leveraging personalized templates, deals and offers to adapt to changing requirements of customers

  • Optimize the product finding capabilities and searches based on your customer’s role and products available in your store’s inventory

  • Makes the customer buying journey smooth and efficient and helps drive further engagement

Top ways to create a personalized experience with B2B ecommerce platforms

1. Create personalized product recommendations

While a good salesperson can help you in guided selling with multiple catalogues and B2B offerings, they expect the same level of personalization online as well. For the same reason, personalized product catalogues are very important for an enterprise store. StoreHippo offers the feature of an interactive catalogue that is specifically designed for B2B needs. Some of its advantages include easy access to customers with login credentials, updated stocks and prices in real-time, the option to place orders directly from the catalogue, personalized prices for every customer.

Amazed? All these features of StoreHippo greatly increase the likelihood of conversion, meanwhile giving your customers a better experience to remember in the future. Don’t wait anymore to use these highly useful B2B features on your enterprise online store.

2. Price personalization

In a large-scale business, pricing remains an important method to stay competitive and boost sales. While developing a pricing strategy, you need to ensure that there is an implicit relationship with the price, order volume, and transaction value. While we have understood the importance of B2B personalization, pricing is altogether a different game.

The B2B ecommerce software should offer price override features to help you build custom checkout experiences by providing upgrade pricing. It supports the customization needs of B2B online store owners and also, converts maximum customers for increased sales. With the pricing override features of StoreHippo, you can easily customize the pricing according to the needs of the individual customers based on different customer segments and even geographical locations. 

Another important pricing factor relates to the acceptance of multiple currencies within the e commerce store. When you are dealing with wholesale business, you cannot limit yourself to a single currency. For the same reason, StoreHippo allows you to accept payments in multiple currencies to offer frictionless checkouts to global buyers..

3. Tailored content offering

Before we talk about content personalization, let us clear that it is very important to understand your customers first. It helps in developing your marketing to sales to business strategies. The customer insights greatly help in drafting personalized offers for your potential customers.

Isn’t it interesting? But to gain the key insights, you need to learn about creating ideal customer profiles. These profiles help you focus on attracting high-quality leads similar to your key customers, rather than targeting everyone who might buy your product. Once you assess the customer insights through tools like Google Analytics, you can personalize the content with the B2B features of your enterprise ecommerce platform. StoreHippo offers a variety of tools to help you with content personalization like blog engine to attract qualified B2B leads by showing your prospective buyers the most relevant topics. Another example is IP-based landing pages that help in creating different landing pages based on the visitors’ IP address. Similarly, you can publish multilingual content to engage your customers in their native language. These features have a very positive impact on your customer conversions and sales.

4. B2B specific personalization

Unlike B2C stores, wholesale businesses have specific personalization features that need to be integrated into your B2B ecommerce platform.  Every enterprise business has unique requirements.  When it comes to personalizing your enterprise business according to the different needs, StoreHippo offers a highly scalable solution. It allows you to tweak existing entities and add new entities altogether. StoreHippo incorporates extensive B2B personalization features for large scale businesses like customized pricing for wholesale and retail pricing, seamless bulk order process systems, multiple storefronts, multilingual webstore, white-labelling for branding, audit trail and restricted login for enhanced security, and much more.

5. Personalized RFQ and other forms

As the dynamics of marketing are very different for the B2B and B2C segment, the primary purpose of B2B e-commerce is focused on wholesale buying. B2B ecommerce demands a customized RFQ system that serves customers according to their economic, logistical and geographic preferences. At the same time, it also provides other valuable details they need for the product. Apart from getting custom quotes, RFQs are also an excellent source for getting a detailed requirement draft from the customer. Isn’t it all interesting? 

Well, adding RFQs in your enterprise store requires a B2B ecommerce software that supports personalized RFQ and forms support. StoreHippo is one such enterprise platform that gathers customer information and creates custom forms based on the inputs of customers. The personalization offerings of the platform help you to collect data on marketing, individual customer needs, auditing, delivery details and alike. StoreHippo helps you to easily add personalized forms to offer custom enquiry generation forms to bring more and more customers to your online business.

6. Account-based promotions for B2B buyers

Capturing the attention of buyers in today’s time looks a lot different than it was a few years ago. In the current economy of customer engagement, everyone and everything is connected with evolving channels, strategies, and technologies. Account-based promotions are also one such strategy that allows marketers to connect with customers on an entirely new level. 

Rather than launching a broad marketing campaign, a B2B ecommerce software helps you implement account-based marketing. It helps you to target specific companies to promote your products and services based on customer accounts and open up new sales opportunities for your enterprise business. But this new horizon comes with a host of challenges as we sort out a growing abundance of information and increased buyer expectations. To reach your goals, you need an enterprise platform with B2B specific needs. StoreHippo is a one-stop solution that allows you to implement highly targeted and personalized communication to win new business and retain the existing customer accounts.

How StoreHippo B2B Ecommerce Software Helps You Sell Better With Personalization

With the rapid shift of customization techniques in the B2B industry, the key is to deliver real-time and relevant experiences to every customer. And personalization can do this job extremely well because the targeted messages, products, and promotions help in converting maximum customers for your enterprise business.

Now, when you know the top ways to personalize your B2B store, it is time to select the best enterprise platform that can support your business personalization goals. The platform should have relevant B2B features and the right tools for the job. StoreHippo is one such enterprise ecommerce platform that fits all the business requirements. The inbuilt headless solution offers a high level of customization for your ecommerce store. Thanks to the wide range of modules of Storehippo that enables you to adapt the full-fledged functioning of your wholesale business. Schedule your 14-day free online trial store to explore the extensive features of B2B ecommerce solutions.

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This blog has rightly said that B2B buyers are expecting the B2C treatment now. So naturally the B2B brands should start focussing on customizations and personalization. Really elaborative and informative article, keep it up

By: Vivek Irani
Aug 26, 2022   Reply

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