How blogging helps online selling websites sell more by ranking on top of Google

By | Sep 29, 2016 | 1827 views |
  • How blogging helps online selling websites sell more by ranking on top of Google

“Content is the King and blogging is the best way to create content for your e-commerce business.”
The stalwarts of online marketing and digital world swear by this dictum. Over the years we have heard it so many times that we have accepted it as the universal truth.  We don’t even bother to ask,
“Why is blogging this important and how does it help online selling websites? “
The answer is simple- It helps your webstore sell better.
Find it hard to believe, don’t you?
Sales is all about marketing, client calling, posting ads and converting your website traffic. How does blogging fit in all of this?
Blogging is the backbone of SEO. When the search engine bots crawl and index content to provide answers to internet users they value the content that is unique, informative and provides the best answers to the queries of the users. If your site is generating content frequently through blog posts, Google bots will crawl them and present them high on the SERPs for relevant queries.
As a result, blogging allows your potential customers to discover your online retail store during their searches and takes them to your web store. Your blog posts drive the relevant traffic, that is actually interested in purchasing the product they are searching and eventually converts them into buyers, bringing you more sales.
Let us have a look at the detailed process of content generation through blogging and see how it helps with the SEO results for your site:

Creates new pages for your store

Every blog post generates a new URL for your website and allows you to create a fresh page that has new and unique content.

When you create an ecommerce website that has lots of new pages it provides you with ample opportunities to be crawled and ranked high on Google.

Blogging not only helps you in ranking high on Google and get new customers but also helps in creating a connect with your existing customers.

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Provides regular fresh content

Spiders and bots have affinity for fresh content, but you cannot keep changing the regular pages (Home, About Us, Contact Us etc.) of your website very frequently. Writing frequent blogs is an easy solution for generating fresh content that attracts spiders.
A common question raised by many store owners of StoreHippo ecommerce platform , is:

How to find new ecommerce blog topics and make our blog interesting?

We are soon going to publish a detailed article on this, keep watching our blog section for details.

Related Read: How to optimize website content to be on top of Google

Ranking on Long Tail Keywords

Blogging helps you to rank on a range of keywords that might be highly competitive or the ones that are user friendly and help in getting targeted and interested visitors to your store.

Choose topics and long tail keywords that a real user might opt for during his search for a given product. For e.g; if you are planning to buy a pair of formal shoes, you would not search for a given brand , instead you will search on “formal shoes for men” , affordable formal shoes for men”, “affordable black formal shoes for men” and so on.
The official blog of your online web store selling men’s products should include and optimize on these types of keywords and topics to get the highly focused audiences that convert easily.

Related Read: 3 SEO Tips to improve Google ranking of your new online store

Helps in Link Building

Blogs help you in building internal links as well as backlinking. By creating a network of links you are basically providing internet users a map of various paths that lead to your website.

By creating internal links you connect the various pages of your website and this helps you to take your audience on a guided tour of your store. Suppose a customer lands on your blog that is detailing 5 best selling products and has a link to each of these products. This allows you a great opportunity to upsell and cross sell your products.
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Your Google ranking can improve greatly if you are able to build quality backlinks by writing original and informative blog posts. Work to get your content linked to high authority ecommerce sites with blogs from your niche. When Google sees such links it considers your site trustworthy and credible and ranks you higher on SERPS.

Creates awareness about your brand

We all know blogging and any other content generated by a web store allows to create a buzz about your brand. It gives you the opportunity to talk about your unique qualities, your journey, your achievements, your coming soon offers and much more.
In nutshell, blogging creates awareness about your brand and helps you to promote your brand. When these activities are well coordinated with your SEO goals they eventually bring more traffic to your website.

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Coming up with innovative and user oriented ecommerce blog ideas is a proven way of making your blogging efforts successful and driving relevant traffic to your web store.

We have discussed that users like to feel special and when you achieve this by including user friendly keywords and creating content that gives information it establishes the credibility of your brand.

So, try the above tips while writing posts for the official blog of your online retail store and get ranked high on Google.
If you have any suggestions on this topic, you can write them in the comments section given below.

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