Growth Oriented Features Of The Best Marketplace Builder

By | Nov 24, 2020 | 553 views |
  • Growth Oriented Features Of The Best Marketplace Builder

Got an ecommerce business idea and can’t wait anymore to launch the best marketplace platform? Well, you must have researched well about the massive growth trend of marketplace platforms – be it Amazon, eBay, Etsy or more. 

The revenues of online marketplaces across the globe are predicted to double from $18.7 billion to $40.1 billion in 2022. This online business concept is way too much more than selling products online and opens many doors to earn business revenues. These platforms serve consumer demand for rentals, resale, finding information, booking services, and much more. 

  • More than 52% of the global online retail sales is done on online marketplaces
  • By the year 2040, 95% of the shopping will be facilitated by ecommerce
  • Almost 40% of the internet users have shopped online through multiple devices
  • More than one-third of buyers start their shopping journey from online marketplaces

Aren’t these reasons enough to understand the popularity of online marketplaces and give you reason to start the best marketplace platform of your own? Amazon, eBay, Etsy are the big names and considered to be the top online marketplaces in the world. But there are many new marketplaces that started out some years back and now, topping the ecommerce sales charts in the world.

Are you also willing to be a part of this sky-high growth trend?

After you choose your business niche, creating an online marketplace is the first step towards our ecommerce business. Your website will be your brand image and responsible for creating lasting impressions on your customers. If you want to serve best to your customers and help them stay hooked, the best marketplace builder is what all you need. Yes, your one-stop solution to serve your online business purposes right. Choosing the right marketplace platform will save tons of your time and also, boosts growth for your business.  

Well, fasten your seat belts because we are about to tell you everything you need to create and grow your online marketplace.

Let’s explore the growth oriented features of the best marketplace builder - Your go-to solution for online marketplace growth

1. Ability to customize the platform for unique business requirements

No platform is best if it does not suit your business requirements. The “best” term is only applied when the platform is flexible to get moulded according to the custom requirements of the business. There are many ecommerce platforms that claim themselves to be flexible but in reality, they are only capable of making some front-end changes.

To kick off real business growth, you need a best marketplace builder that empowers your business with major functionality changes like adding new functionality, modules, making third-party integrations etc. The platform should also be free from implementing complex codes to get the changes done. Just like StoreHippo offers a high-end flexible platform with extensive and quick customizations that can take your business to new heights.

2. Ready for multiple business models

Are you scared that your online business startup will fail? If yes, think about the reasons it can fail. The foremost reason why businesses are not able to sustain beyond a couple of years is the mismatch of business plans and real-time implementations. Especially when it is about online business, dynamicity is always on the peak.

To keep a right pace with the market dynamics, you need a best marketplace platform that can adapt the new market trends and manage the different business models at one place. StoreHippo comes to the rescue here. If offers an end-to-end solution like vendors, shipping, inventory, payment, marketing to run your B2B as well as B2C business successfully. The best part is that you can easily switch between different business models as per your business requirement and keep leveraging the business opportunities.

3. Global business features to help you reach international heights

Taking your business to global heights might sound more difficult than it actually is. Do you think only large-scale online businesses can plan to go global? No, it's possible for you also.With the best marketplace builder like StoreHippo, you can also take your business to the worldwide level without investing oodles of time and investment. StoreHippo offers ready-to-use features like multi-currency, multi-stores, multilingual, international shipping, and many more to make your online global journey easier. Don’t wait anymore to achieve your global expansion dreams.

4. Strong mobile presence to boost online sales

Well, having a mobile presence is mandatory if you are dealing with online business. But the click here is about boosting sales through mobiles. With the natural progression of mobile commerce, you cannot let go of this business opportunity if you want to grow your business.

And considering the same reason, any platform cannot be called as a best marketplace platform if it does not have a mobile-first approach. StoreHippo helps you to tap the huge potential of mobile commerce by building the future ready mobile sites for B2B and B2C businesses. And it does not end here. We also help you to engage and convert your tech-savvy online shoppers with PWA stores, mobile apps (Android/iOS), and extensive mobile features.

5. Seamless integrations to make customer purchase journey easier

Starting something is always easier than completing it successfully. Similarly, getting a customer on an online marketplace is easier than completing a functional order cycle. A best marketplace builder not only ensures the good-looking website but also manages the vital actions like logistics, payments, and seamless integrations of everything to grow your online business.

Just like StoreHippo offers an end-to-end marketplace solution along with multiple third-party integrations to run your business smoothly. In addition, you can also have inbuilt tools, SEO friendly features, social logins, Google analytics, live traffic checker tools, and much more.

Grow your online marketplace with StoreHippo

Hopefully, we have made the decision of starting your online marketplace business easier. But the only fact we would like to recall here is that choosing the best marketplace builder can make or break your business. You need a comprehensive multi-vendor ecommerce solution that can help you create, maintain, and grow your business to the next level of success. StoreHippo offers 300+ inbuilt features and a full-fledged solution to help you build disruptive multi-seller business models for B2C as well as B2B businesses. Check out some of the use cases powered by StoreHippo here.

If you really want to give new growth avenues to your online business, don’t ever miss on the above features of the best marketplace platform. StoreHippo is your one-stop ecommerce solution that provides you with all the tools and features to grow your business. The best in class features, automated marketing tools, 50+ integrated payment gateways, mobile-first approach is what all you need to give your business a winning edge.

Start your online business growth journey today by starting your 14-day free trial today.

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