Complete guide to help you decide your B2B eCommerce solutions provider

By |Updated Date : Sep 24, 2020 | 602 views | Dec 14, 2016
  • Complete guide to help you decide your B2B eCommerce solutions provider

Did you know that the global B2B ecommerce market was at $12.2 trillion in 2019, which is 6X of the B2C market? Also, the global  B2B ecommerce GMV value grew 2X from 2013 to 2019.  

Wonder what is driving this growth?

Well, apart from the evident benefits of going online, the ease offered by turnkey B2B ecommerce solutions has helped accelerate the transition from traditional offline set up to online stores. And this in turn has increased the business volume and hence the stupendous growth in B2B market size and volume. 

Why You Should Create A B2B Ecommerce Website For Your Business

Going online not only helps you tap the growing ecommerce market but also benefits your wholesale business in a number of ways. Here are some of them:

  • Opens up new sales channel for your business
  • Reach out to new markets and customers
  • Give more visibility to your enterprise business
  • Gives your customers B2C ecommerce like ease to search and buy
  • Ease of offering personalized content, prices and discounts
  • More channels to influence new buyers with experience of loyal customers
  • Easier and faster sales through process  automation and optimization

Now that you know, do you want to miss on these benefits? You certainly don’t!

Facts To Consider When You Build A B2B Ecommerce Website

Need more reasons to convince you that having your online store can take your business to new heights? How about checking some facts and trends that speak volumes. Here they are: 

  • 90% of B2B buyers begin their purchase journey with a search engine
  • 93% of buyers prefer buying online rather than from a salesperson
  • 80% of B2B buyers go to an online store before making a purchase decision
  • 74% of B2B buyers find it easier to buy from a website
  • 52% of B2B clients plan to make half of their purchases through websites in the next 3 years
  • 72% of buyers expect B2B companies to personalize their communications
  • 67% of purchases are influenced by digital even in industrial and manufacturing industries  
  • 62% of B2B buyers say they can make a business decision based on online content alone 

Source: Google, Statista & Forrester

B2B Ecommerce Facts And Trends

Well, the statistics make it more than evident that your business needs an enterprise ecommerce platform to thrive in the current business landscape. Conditioned by their B2C experiences, not only your clients but your suppliers, manufacturers, distributors etc. also prefer to do business online,

Why Go For A Turnkey B2B Ecommerce Solutions Provider For Going Online

B2B enterprises are a complex set up, need customizations and have unique scenarios for each business. This makes many business owners think that a turnkey solution might not fit the bill for their business. However, this is far from true.

The modern enterprise ecommerce platforms are designed in a way that they offer a customizable and scalable solution for your business. They are a much better option than custom built legacy software because of their multiple benefits as below;

  • Lots of options to choose from depending upon your requirements
  • Free trials and demos to help you decide on available features
  • Faster development and go-to-market time
  • Do away with hiring development  team and managing them
  • Easy to manage after launch with paid or free tech support from B2B ecommerce solution provider
  • Cost effective solution compared to building your website from scratch
  • Designed to support complete business with inbuilt ecommerce features
  • Advanced solutions include while-labelling feature for large-scale businesses

Choosing your B2B Ecommerce Solutions Provider

Choosing the right technology partners can make or mar your business. Selecting a B2C ecommerce technology partner is rather easy as there are numerous options in the market that offer a basic cart builder. However, selecting your B2B technology partners can be tricky as this model is more complex than the other and needs custom requirements depending on the type, size, location, targeted geographies and other factors.

You need to make a well informed decision otherwise you might be stuck with a rigid and outdated platform that can do more harm than help your business grow. While you are looking for B2B ecommerce solutions providers for your business ask the following questions to make sure you have chosen the right platform to go online :

  • Do they have experience of catering to B2B clients from diverse industries?
  • Are they providing a scalable solution for your business?
  • Can you customize their ecommerce platform to suit your requirements?
  • Is their technology future ready and helps you tap mobile commerce easily?
  • Do they offer features that help you take your business global?
  • Do they allow you the flexibility to manage and run your business from anywhere?
  • Are you getting a comprehensive solution that caters to your end to end requirements?
  • Do they offer easy integration with tools you are already using or might need in future?
  • Do they offer multiple payment  and logistics solutions?
  • Is their pricing transparent?

Go for the B2B ecommerce solutions partner that gives you a “YES” for all the above queries. The team of experts at StoreHippo, the leading mobile ready ecommerce platform,  has carefully considered these requirements. StoreHippo  offers inbuilt B2B features designed to build online solutions for a variety of high-volume, fast-growing enterprise and wholesale businesses. 


Why You Should Create A B2B Ecommerce Website With StoreHippo

StoreHippo comes with a gamut of enterprise-grade features and tools that make it easy for you to take your business online and run it efficiently. Along with extensive features to support the complex flows of your wholesale business, you also get the ease of B2C ecommerce which your clients and vendors are accustomed to. 

StoreHippo builds mobile ready sites that give seamless experience across devices. With PWA at its core, StoreHippo builds PWA wholesale websites that look and work like mobile apps when opened in any browser. Along with this you can easily build your Android and iOS apps right from your admin dashboard without any coding or additional expenses.  

StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce platform is inherently scalable which makes it the best-fit for fast-growing and high-volume businesses. The platform is extremely customizable and you can tweak both the front end as well as the backend to suit your unique requirements. 

Along with these you get many features like pricing overrides, audit logs, enquiry generation forms, bulk order processing, minimum order quantity, wholesale and retail pricing, while-labelling and many other required to fulfill your everyday requirements.

Enterprise-Grade Features To Create A B2B Ecommerce Website For Global Markets

StoreHippo’s core B2B features are designed to help offline wholesale businesses go online and run the business even more efficiently. However, once you take your business online you also want to explore new global markets in near future. 

StoreHippo has a set of features and tools to help you with this. Using our multilingual feature you can build a website in the native language of your global clients. You can also help them pay in their preferred currency by setting up multi-currency options. What's more you can easily onboard distributors, manufacturers and suppliers from across the globe by adding them as vendors to your B2B ecommerce marketplace.

With StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce platform you can also experiment with the multi-store model by creating multiple sub-stores for different product lines, customer groups, languages, geolocations etc.


Finding the right B2B ecommerce solutions partners to develop and take your business online needs careful considerations. Also, you need to choose a platform that mitigates the risk of migration as your business grows. 

StoreHippo offers everything you need to take your wholesale business online. Want to explore the features before you make the final decision? Get started right away with your 14-day free trial!

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