8 Most-Desired Features of An Easy to Use E-commerce Platform

By | Mar 24, 2019 | 857 views |
  • 8 Most-Desired Features of An Easy to Use E-commerce Platform

Whether you are a successful brick-and-mortar shop owner or an entrepreneur planning to create a new ecommerce website, going online can give you jitters. While making a business plan and finalizing the operational aspects need careful planning finding an easy to use ecommerce platform doesn’t seem like a big deal.

You think so, don’t you?

After all, there are so many turnkey options that offer all that is needed to start an online business. Right?

Perhaps NOT!

While the market is actually flooded with options, finding an e-commerce solution that is the right fit for your business is not a mean task. You definitely don’t want to make a hasty decision and go for a solution that has a steep learning curve. An easy to use ecommerce platform spare you many troubles and helps you focus on your business growth.

So without much ado, let's check what are the top features that make a platform simple and easy;

Simple and Intuitive

While most of the turnkey solutions are designed to reduce the iterative development cycle, not all of them are easy to work with. Many popular software solutions require a decent understanding of coding to launch a fully-functional website with good design and smooth flow. This means you will either have to hire a developer unless you have some hands-on coding experience.

A simple, DIY platform with intuitive design and features can make life much simpler. You can experiment and create the website of your dreams. Also if the easy to use ecommerce platform is flexible enough, you can experiment and create custom flows by tweaking the entities.

Easy Product and Order Management

One of the core functions of an online business is to help you manage your products and orders easily. The lesser time you take to manage these the more you can focus on analysing, improving and growing your business.

Streamlined and well-defined product management not only improves your product visibility and inventory management but also helps you collect customer requirements through wishlist and enquiry forms. Similarly, a well-defined order management system on an easy to use ecommerce platform improves your order accuracy, fulfilment and reduces refunds. It also gives you an insight into your order metrics and helps you plan a better marketing strategy.

Simple Design Tools

Don’t you feel the urge to modify your website’s design theme according to your vision? After all who can perceive your plans and goals like you do! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your e-commerce solution allows you to choose from a variety of design themes which can be tweaked easily?

An easy to use ecommerce platform that gives you simple drag and drop tools for changing your design can go a long way in boosting your marketing efforts.  Also, it can make your site stickier and more engaging for the customers resulting in better conversions.

Mobile-Commerce Ready

Mobile commerce is the new normal for online businesses. Depending on the industry 50% to 80% of online buyers shop using their smartphones. This means that whatever e-commerce solution you are considering should be built grounds up to support mobile commerce.

An easy to use ecommerce platform is one that offers a mobile-ready site and has the feature to create mobile apps for iOS and Android in a jiffy. Also, check if they can turn your store into a PWA( Progressive Web Apps), wherein, a website looks feels and works like a mobile app without the need to develop an app.

Search And Navigation

Easy search and navigation go a long way in making your site conversion oriented. When the customers find their desired products within seconds they stay longer on the site and also convert easily. Easy navigation also makes the customer go back and forth to search and add various products to their cart or wishlist.

Also, an easy to use ecommerce platform should offer faceted search and advanced pricing filters that help the customers narrow down their search to exact matches. This makes the shopping experience memorable and quick which makes the customer loyal to your brand.

Multi-Channel Integrations

In the dynamic world of e-commerce, you cannot use your website as a stand-alone system. It has to be integrated with a host of third-party tools and channels that give it better visibility in the digital world.  

When you are searching for an easy to use ecommerce platform check whether it allows easy integrations with ticketing software, live chat, mailing software, various social media channels, multiple payments and logistics channels etc. these integrations not only improve your efficiency but also give you tools for quick business growth.

Easy Marketing

Despite having the best-laid plans, without the right marketing, it might take ages for you to gain the right momentum needed for growth. This necessitates that you have the right mix of easy to manage and implement marketing tools at your disposal so you can plan and execute a variety of marketing strategies.

An easy to use ecommerce platform with a strong discount engine can make life easy for you by giving you simple tools to implement a variety of discounts, coupons and promotions. If the discount engine has advanced features like device based discount, location base discount etc. you can run various sale offers every day. Also, check if your solution has the features to create dynamic marketing pages quickly.

SEO Tools

SEO is crucial for any online business. It not only gives visibility to your brand but also helps you get organic traffic which is essential for business growth. Also, optimized SEO helps you get the right kind of traffic and boosts your conversions.

Your easy to use ecommerce platform should have the right SEO tools in place that help you in getting the traffic which in turn brings sales. Check if you get tools that let you define your meta details, create unique URLs for product pages, has to feature to define canonical URL, has microdata, sitemap etc.


Now that you know the features that make an easy to use ecommerce platform you need not waste time and start looking for these in the top e-commerce platforms. StoreHippo SaaS-based e-commerce platform incorporates all the above features and offers a smooth learning curve. With StoreHippo launching and managing an online business is a breeze.

Explore the great features first hand. Why wait, start your 14-day free trial store now!

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