7 Tested tips to improve sales with personalized buyer journeys on your marketplace website

By |Updated Date : Feb 19, 2024 | 856 views | Feb 19, 2024
  • 7 Tested tips to improve sales with personalized buyer journeys on your marketplace website

Trying to boost sales on your marketplace website?

But don’t know where to start from?

Have personalizations on your card, but don't know how to implement it?

Fret not, we have got you covered. 

You can personalize your whitelabel marketplace in multiple different ways. 

With almost 90% of online businesses already investing in personalization at some level, it is time you go all in with personalization on your enterprise ecommerce platform

However, before we dive in and explore ways to improve sales using personalizations, let us see how it has influenced the buying trends in 2024 and beyond:   

  • 71% of consumers expect personalization from their brands 
  • 76% are frustrated when they don’t get a personalized buyer journey 
  • 77% of consumers are more likely to buy from a brand that offers personalized services or experiences
  • 87% of people are willing to share their online activity for personalized rewards and engagements
  • 95% of people or more have seen a location-based advertisement on their phones
  • 48% of consumers appreciate the convenience they get out of personalization

Source: Statista 

As you tailor the shopping experience on your marketplace website to the needs of specific individuals, you can generate more business and yield higher profits. But to get it right, you need to be creative in implementing personalization or you would end up sending out ineffective messages that fly right past your target audience.

7 Time-tested tips to improve sales on your marketplace website via personalizations

Personalization isn’t just a sales driver; it’s a customer experience enhancer. Great user experience can certainly turn your visitors into customers, but a personalized user experience will help you retain them. Now isn’t that exactly your goal? 

Offer personalized user segment based sub stores

Creating a personalized user-segment sub-store is one of the easiest ways to implement personalization on your marketplace website. When you create different stores for different user-groups, you stay ahead of your competitors. You can focus on your target audience with fewer distractions and offer personalized deals, easy navigation and high-end personalization. 

StoreHippo ecommerce platform helps you create a multistore ecommerce solution. You can seamlessly create multiple sub-stores that are location-based, product line based, customer segment based etc for your enterprise business with StoreHippo. You can also customize each of the storefront with unique URLs, themes, designs, pricing, checkout options, etc for different user groups. When you build an enterprise marketplace website for your multistore business with StoreHippo, you can control all your storefronts and their operations easily from a common central admin. 

Create multilingual websites

Well, 75% of the customers like to buy from a website that sells in their native language. As you build a multilingual website for your customers, you not only connect with your customers but also communicate in a language they understand and feel comfortable in. Building a brand website in multiple languages helps you offer a highly personalized buyer journey for your wide customer base. Is your marketplace website multilingual? If not, now is the time to talk in the languages spoken by your customers. 

StoreHippo helps you build a marketplace that can be converted into multiple languages in just a few clicks. StoreHippo comes with support for 100+ different languages including RTL (Right to Left) languages like Arabic and Hebrew. With the easy-to-use multilingual solutions, you can easily translate your website into multiple languages. You can use the automatic translation control to translate your website and all of its content into different languages in just a few clicks. 

 Offers based on wishlist

Customers love scrolling through marketplace websites and adding products to their wishlists. Now they might not intend to buy, but you can convert potential customers by offering a personalized discount coupon on their wishlist items. Wonder how? Well, as you customize offers based on your customer’s wishlists, you can push them to make impulsive purchases.  

StoreHippo comes with an inbuilt pricing override feature that helps you offer customized multi-pricing on your website. You can create different prices for the same product depending on multiple demographics like audience, location, or demand of the particular product.     

Personalized marketing and discounts

To improve sales on your enterprise ecommerce platform, you need marketing as an integral part of your business. Customers tend to research for brands on multiple channels before making their purchase decision. Marketing your brand helps you persuade and convince your customers and when you add personalized discounts to your marketing approach, customers come flocking to your site. 

StoreHippo comes with a host of marketing tools and integrations to help you implement personalized marketing on multiple levels. You can easily create multiple dynamic pages that give you access to rich customer data and create targeted marketing campaigns. You can also bring back lost sales on your marketplace website by recovering your abandoned cart orders with automated follow-ups. StoreHippo also comes with a powerful discount engine to help you offer multi level discounts to your customers. 

Personalized payment options

Wonder how you can offer personalized payment options to your customers? It's the age of hyper-personalisation, and you have to ace the game to race ahead of your competitors. With a personalized checkout process, you enable your customers to make quick purchases and enable them to decide faster. In a B2B marketplace setup, you can offer your customers a choice of either making a full payment at the time of order or asking them to pay in two halves. 

StoreHippo helps you build an enterprise marketplace website where you can offer highly personalized payment options to your customers. StoreHippo comes with a wide spectrum of payment options. With 60+ pre-integrated payment gateways, mobile wallets, or credit management features, etc. you can seamlessly personalize your payment options.     

Customized content for quick buying decisions

With 80% of the businesses confirming that personalisations make their marketing more effective, the sure-shot way of improving sales is customizing the content. Customers have grown to be smarter and look for personalization in multiple ways. When you provide tailored content to your customers, you can engage with them better and convert them seamlessly, as you facilitate quick buying decisions.

StoreHippo enterprise ecommerce platform helps you implement content personalization with various tools and features. StoreHippo comes with a built-in blog engine to help you create customized content that is relevant to your ideal buyer. You can put out content regarding your enterprise brand making it easy for your customers to make a purchase decision. With the built-in SEO engine from StoreHippo, you can also rank your website higher on search engines that help you reach a wider audience. You can also create targeted marketing landing pages quickly using the dynamic pages from StoreHippo.

Offer personalized customer support  

Well, all things said and done, your customers look for assistance when buying on your marketplace website. Personalized customer support is something that keeps your customers hooked to your brand. Quick personalized responses from live agents can provide immense satisfaction to your customers, establish loyalty, and help you retain customers. Since customers love to interact with a brand on multiple channels, you need to offer streamlined and personalized customer support on multiple touchpoints.

StoreHippo ecommerce solutions are built on a decoupled headless architecture that helps you implement personalized customer support for your customers. You can offer the best-in-class customer experience on your marketplace by easily integrating with multi channel support software of your choice. Here is how you can offer the best customer service to your customers:

  • Integrate with the best live chat software and chatbots on your enterprise ecommerce platform
  • Add various chat apps to your ecommerce website and be available for your customers around the clock 
  • Integrate with the best CRM software to cater to various customer queries like ongoing festive offers, delivery tracking, cancellations, refunds, etc.


Well, as personalization is taking the front seat today, you have to be well-versed in personalization tricks and tactics to keep customers coming back to your enterprise ecommerce platform. You can seamlessly chart an upward growth trajectory by personalizing the buyer journey and choosing a robust feature-rich ecommerce platform that facilitates personalization.     

StoreHippo is a 360-degree turnkey ecommerce solution that comes with 300+ built-in features and helps you personalize your marketplace seamlessly. The SaaS-based ecommerce platform helps you build a whitelable marketplace website that is highly scalable and flexible to accommodate your unique business needs. All set to improve your sales by personalizing your marketplace website with StoreHippo? Explore the wide range of features by starting your 14-day free trial now. 

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