7 Signs You Are Not Using The Best Ecommerce Platform

By | Apr 27, 2021 | 890 views |
  • 7 Signs You Are Not Using The Best Ecommerce Platform

Best Ecommerce platforms were created so that entrepreneurs like you, who aren't programmers and don't know how to code, can easily create online store in a few days. But what if your selected ecommerce software turns out to be a nightmare?. And you now regret buying it as your business expectations are not met. 

If that’s the case, then certainly you need to re-platform. To confirm whether you need a re-platform or not, let's do a Q/A.

  • Is retaining buyers becoming a challenge?

  • Are you spending more on developers rather on revenue generation?

  • Are you facing storage limitations in your ecommerce software?

  • Do you have limited flexibility to create online store?

If the answer is yes, start looking for a reliable ecommerce platform. 

  • 61% of customers will switch to another site if they didn't find what they were looking for on a mobile site. (Think With Google)

  • 52% online buyers will not engage with the company if they offer a bad mobile commerce experience. (Think With Google)

  • 38% of buyers will leave a website if the website design is unattractive and dull. (Adobe)

7 Signs you are not using the best ecommerce platform

1. You’re facing issues in customizations and content presentation

You are getting free themes, well-designed readymade templates. Great! But you are confronting limitations in design customization. Another concern is using an outdated content management system (CMS)

Are you spending tons of time (and money) in creating and publishing content? 

If so, switch to headless CMS. Simply put, headless CMS decouples the backend from the frontend of the website. Which in turn, helps in quick changes to the store frontend using rest APIs. You don’t have to touch any codes, scripts, etc in the backend. Thus, it helps in the efficient delivery of content across devices and channels.

Get started with StoreHippo headless commerce 

At StoreHippo, the best ecommerce platform, you have access to customizable themes. You can change themes layout, color, font, style, etc. You can add new design elements with the drag and drop feature. 

With StoreHippo headless commerce feature, you can customize your themes, checkout, order flow, etc using 250+ API endpoints. Store owners get the flexibility to customize customer journeys based on consumer behavioral data.

2. Your website speed is too slow

A study confirms that if your online store does not load within 3 seconds, 40% of the customers will leave the site. Let’s explore the reasons for low-speed ecommerce websites

  • Site is not mobile-optimized

  • Unsatisfactory server performance

  • Using third-party plugins that might contain malicious bugs and codes

  • JavaScript/jQuery plugins are not implemented correctly

How to fix the problem with StoreHippo?

With StoreHippo, you can create online store that loads quickly on any device. Online stores powered by StoreHippo are device-responsive and lightweight because they are built using PWA, MEAN stack, and CDN technology

3. Ecommerce platform is merely mobile responsive

What is your loading speed on smartphones? Does your best ecommerce platform support mobile commerce? Does it have mobile responsive themes? NO? You need a switch! 

Do you know the dangers of not having mobile-friendly stores? Check below-

  • Decrease in overall site traffic

  • Low conversion rates

  • Poor user experience 

  • Less revenue and sales

Enhance Mobile shopping experience with StoreHippo

StoreHippo offers mobile-ready sites that perform seamlessly on all mobiles, desktops, and tablets. With the help of Progressive Web Apps(PWA), you can create online store that works like mobile apps. 

PWA sites offer fast browsing and make your customers stick to your site for longer times. In addition, you get an inbuilt mobile application builder to create mobile apps without writing code. 

4. Complex to handle user interface

Complex user interface has certain characteristics- 

  • Admin panel is difficult to operate

  • One-click integration is not available 

  • Code is cluttersome

  • Customization has limitation 

Partner with the best ecommerce platform 

StoreHippo is an easy-to-use Ecommerce software that offers a simple and non-technical user interface to create online stores. You can run entire ecommerce operations from a single dashboard without purchasing any additional software.

You can design a stylish homepage without needing to code. In a few clicks, you can upload content (like images, text) and integrate payment gateways

5. Shoppers are abandoning your site at checkout

The year 2020 resulted in 88% of shopping cart abandonments. (Statista). So if 1000 people added items to the cart, only 120 buyers got converted, the rest are still in the consideration stage. 

To convert 880 potential buyers, you need to delight them with personalized offers. Send recovery emails, notifications and show ads relevant to their shopping interest.

If your ecommerce website builder does have an automatic recovery emails feature, you are losing huge revenue. 

Top reasons for cart abandonment are-

  • Long and confusing checkouts 

  • Website errors, crashes, and load times

  • Lack of Payment options

  • Too high shipping costs

Get lost customers back with StoreHippo

StoreHippo, the best ecommerce platform lets you recover the lost customers with automatic cart abandonment, emails and push notifications

You can create conversion-friendly push/email notifications directly from Storehippo’s dashboard. They can be about product recommendations, limited-time discounts/coupons on cart items, etc.

6. High maintenance costs are cutting into your bottom line

Are you spending tons on ecommerce essentials? Like hosting, security, technical errors, manual updates, etc. You need to re-platform. Because software maintenance cost is devouring your profits. 

However, you can ignore the cost by partnering with hosted ecommerce solutions like StoreHippo. Hosted solutions take care of regular updates, hosting, optimization.

StoreHippo takes away the burdensome task of site maintenance, security updates, hosting, and other admin tasks.

7. Lack of eCommerce automation

If your ecommerce platform is not offering automation, you are at a complete loss. Do you know the benefits of Automation? Here they are- reduces redundant and repetitive tasks, cut the administration cost, save money, reduce human errors, accurately handle ecommerce processes. Lastly, it lets you focus more on sales-attracting activities, so you can generate more revenue.

Which ecommerce operations need automation?

  • Order and Shipping fulfillment

  • Marketing

  • Data analytics 

  • Inventory updates 

  • Billing and Payment Processes

With the StoreHippo ecommerce platform, you can automate all of the above operations

You can also automate shipping, sending payment reminders to vendors, sales taxes calculation based on customer country, sending notification emails to customers.

Final words 

It’s time to re-evaluate your current ecommerce platform's worth. If you think that any of the above challenges are happening with your business, start searching for new ecommerce software.

The best ecommerce platform helps in scaling your business operations efficiently. Alongside, it enhances customer experience which is key to online store success.

Looking for high ROI ecommerce solutions? Move to StoreHippo which is trusted by 1000+ businesses to create online store. It is an easy, reliable, and mobile-friendly solution to help you grow your online business.  

Get started for a free 14-day trial of StoreHippo to try its premium features at zero cost.

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