5 Tips to get awesome product reviews on your ecommerce online website

By | Sep 04, 2016 | 1831 views |
  • 5 Tips to get awesome product reviews on your ecommerce online website

We know that online product reviews can hugely benefit online selling websites sales by influencing buyer opinion about your brand. Online reviews create a buzz about your products and services in the digital world and increase the chances of success manifold.
But, have you tried getting product reviews for your newly launched webstore?
Yes! But…
Wait, we know what you are about to say; your products are selling well, but you are hardly getting any reviews.

How do we know?

In its endeavor to provide comprehensive services to its customers, the team of experts at StoreHippo ecommerce platform keeps researching the topics where our customers need additional assistance.
Difficulty in getting product reviews is an oft repeated concern for many online store owners. Not having a review for your products can actually have more negative impact on your brand image than having a negative review.
You might have written the best product description but your customers are going to trust unbiased third party reviews more than any fancy words you write for your product. So, getting product reviews is not optional but mandatory for the success of your brand.

How to get real and positive product reviews on ecommerce online stores?

Customers usually forget to add reviews and making them do so needs some practical understanding of user behavior and the right timing. Let us go through some tips that can engage your customers and help you in getting reviews from them:

Request a review

If your store is new, your customers might not be even aware that you have a review feature on your webstore. So, as soon as your product is delivered, ask your customer to review it.
You need to follow up with your customer during the time frame where the euphoria about your product is still fresh and they are willing to talk about it. Send out simple messages or mails to your customers asking them how they liked your product. Make them feel as if their opinion matters and by writing a review they are helping other people avail the best product or services that has just delighted them.
Even if the customer is not happy, the unbiased review can portray the online selling websites as neutral and make the other positive reviews sound more genuine.

Make Reviewing Easy

Online buyers love simplicity and no fuss ordering. Hence, you should offer them easy way to write a review also. If your process is complicated, your buyers might simply ignore your request or leave it midway.
Do not make the review process complicated involving many steps or requiring to fill too many details. Create a simple procedure and allow the buyers to be able to review your product on the move by making your store mobile ready.
If you are still using an old technology that is not mobile ready get most advanced website using StoreHippo platform.

Offer Incentives for the Effort

Offering incentives often works in getting an immediate review. However, do not offer something huge that makes the whole process look like a desperate effort. Plan incentives in a way that it helps boost your business.
Offer discount coupons, hold contest, gift card, brownie points or even a smaller product as a thank you gesture.

Make Customers Feel Special

We all like a little attention that makes us feel special. Select the top customers who helped you sell products online by posting the best reviews for your products. Ask them for a short video interview, picture or a testimonial and post it prominently on your site with their details.
Instead of highlighting your product, highlight the feelings of your customer and mention the name of the customer to give it a very personal touch. This method will engage other users and get them talk about your brand which would spread word of mouth about your products and services.

Be Persistent

Even if you are following all the above steps you might still not get the desired volume of customer reviews on your new online store.
Do not lose heart, the trick here is to be persistent and establish a process of routine follow up. Draft a series of follow up mails and ask your support team to follow up with your customers at regular intervals.
Requesting on regular basis will have you build up the volume of product reviews in due course of time.


Use a combination of these tips to get product reviews from customers of your ecommerce online website. Don’t forget to reply and thank customers who write positive reviews. Never ignore negative reviews and reply to them also and try to address the grievance of the consumer.
Are you using online reviews on your webstore? If yes, let us know some practical tips that have helped you get reviews from your users.

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