5 things to research thoroughly while preparing your ecommerce business plan

By | Aug 01, 2016 | 1 Comments | 1840 views |
  • 5 things to research thoroughly while preparing your ecommerce business plan

Buzzing with ideas and planning to launch your e-commerce business? Gearing up to streamline the various resources that will make your entrepreneurial dream come true?
Have you done your homework and researched on the key pointers for starting an e-commerce business? Are you aware of and prepared to face the challenges of the e-commerce battlefield?
Not sure, concerned and jittery?
StoreHippo’s panel of experts brings for you a compilation of thoroughly researched inputs that would help you prepare the most detailed and well informed business plan for your online venture.
Go through the checklist and  to make the best choices:

1)      Choose the best ecommerce platform
Sooner or later, every entrepreneur knows that planning an online business and taking it to the final launch day never happens the way you had chalked it out. Launching an online store is a juggling act that tests your patience and entrepreneurial skills. Everyone who has travelled this path has faced numerous teething issues.
With so many factors like development, logistics, payment etc. to align and budget being a major constraint, it is a tough balancing act indeed for majority of entrepreneurs. To avoid much of the pain, instead of going for a custom built site from scratch it is always advisable to opt for a tried and tested platform that offers comprehensive, secure,  one stop solution.

However, to find a feature rich platform at affordable Pricing is a daunting task.
To help you choose the best and most secure e-commerce platform, we have listed a few articles that would assist you in making an informed decision.

Questions to ask before choosing a platform for your online business 

Start your online business without wasting time

Why SSL encryption is a must have feature for your Website

2)      Help your customers pay easily
Even if you choose the best platform and get the most technically advanced and fast store your business can’t be a success unless you can offer various payment options to your customers.
Enabling your customers to use multiple payment channels via e-commerce payment gateways is the key to converting maximum traffic on your store. You need to tap every possible option of payment available at your customers disposal be it net banking, credit and debit card payments or COD.
Also, it works better to have more than one payment gateways to offer multiple choices to your customers. We present some useful insights on the best payment gateways for online business.
Understanding payment gateways and how they work 

Different types of payment gateways for every business

3)      Opt for best Logistics
You rolled out your online store and started selling. Your sales data has surpassed your expectation and everything is going smooth, until………you start shipping your orders.
Here comes the most dreaded aspect of online business, the constant pain called e-commerce logistics and fulfillment services. The state of your order fulfillment service can be the deciding factor between success and doom of your business.
Logistics has been the biggest pain point of running an online business and our team has put in some real effort to gather the best inputs to help you choose the right partners and get the maximum ROI from your shipping services.
Learn the A to Z of e-commerce logistics on the following links:

5 questions to ask before choosing shipping partners for online business

The top e-commerce logistics providers in India  

How to get best fulfillment from your logistics 

4)      SEO is the way to Go
In the fast changing e-commerce environment online selling needs creative and updated digital marketing techniques to help you stay ahead of your competition.
To get the best traffic your online store needs to be optimized so that spiders crawl through and rank your site well on SERP. Along with this, you need to have a strong social media presence and a regular and optimized email marketing campaign in place to create your brand identity and increase your visibility.
Solve the SEO puzzle and get updated with the latest trends in digital marketing world, go through;

Latest trends in SEO and Digital Marketing 

Blueprint of a successful email marketing campaign

How to use FaceBook for boosting sales of your online store

5)      Make a killing with quality content and Product Photography
Content rules the roost and is the most important factor in making your brand visible across various platforms in the digital world. Google and other search engines show preference for  websites with unique and informative content and rank them higher on SERPs.
But do you know what is the perfect answer for “How to sell more online?”. It’s a simple formula, write unique, informative and optimized content and support it with the best photographs. We all know that a picture speaks more than 1000 words can say. So combine creative content with beautiful photographs and website design and you have the key to success.
Explore the magic potion further on the following links,

Rank on Top of Google with Optimized content

How good product photography can boost your online store’s sales 

5 FREE tools to enhance your product images

The e-commerce space is full of opportunities. Explore your potential and carve a niche for yourself in the online retail business.
Have queries or need more information? Leave your comments below and we would be glad to assist you.

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Quite a handy guide book, thanks for sharing. Is Storehippo supports multilingual since we want to have our store in other languages also

By: PS Ram
Aug 23, 2016   Reply

Replies :
Dear Mr. Ram, Thanks for appreciating our work. Yes we do have support for multilingual languages, so one can Offer language specific pages to target larger audience groups. In case of any query feel free to contact us at: [email protected] or +91-8010-117-117 Vishal -

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