5 Tested Enterprise Marketing Strategies For Proven Success

By |Updated Date : Nov 02, 2022 | 5 Comments | 85 views | Nov 02, 2022
  • 5 Tested Enterprise Marketing Strategies For Proven Success

Your marketing strategy is the foundation of your enterprise ecommerce business. It's what determines how you'll find and attract customers, how you'll convince them to buy from you, and how you'll keep them coming back for more. For businesses that scaled from zero to 10 million dollars in sales, marketing played a critical role in their success. 

But what separates successful enterprises from the rest? 

Well, It is the Enterprise marketing strategies which start with the customer, not the product. Thankfully, your marketing scale-up doesn’t have to be a guessing game. With a few best marketing practices and marketing automation, you can quickly turn your business into a well-oiled machine.

What is Enterprise Marketing?

Enterprise marketing is a comprehensive approach that includes all aspects of marketing, from customer acquisition and retention to product development and branding. It's a customer-centric approach that focuses on creating long-term relationships with customers, rather than simply selling them a product or service.

Since today's consumers are bombarded with marketing messages from all angles. They're exposed to marketing messages through social media, search engines, and even their favorite websites. Enterprises need to adopt a multichannel marketing approach to reach their target consumers effectively. 

One of the benefits of a multichannel ecommerce marketing approach is that it allows business to track their best performing channels and engage with customers across all channels. For example, if a customer abandons their shopping cart on your website, you can quickly reach out to them through email or social media and offer a discount to complete their purchase.

What makes Enterprise Marketing different?

Enterprise marketing means collaborating with all your existing channels, partners, tools etc. to create marketing strategies that help your brand reach the next level of growth and expansion. 

For large-scale brand expansion, enterprise marketing requires seamless coordination from all groups within an ecommerce ecosystem. The difference between enterprise marketing and other types of marketing is that, it generally has a longer sales cycle. 

Multi-channel marketing, brand awareness, customer acquisition, and customer retention are all heavy hitters in the enterprise marketing world. Large companies have to consider their audience on a global scale and plan their marketing strategies with that in mind. That’s why enterprise marketing plans often focus on initiatives that will improve overall business performance, such as lead generation or increasing market share.

3 Must-have components in your Enterprise Marketing plan 

No matter how big or small your company is, an enterprise marketing plan is essential to success. But what exactly should this plan entail? Here are three must-have components that must be included in your enterprise marketing plan:

Customer segmentation

Customer segmentation is defined as dividing your customer base into smaller groups based on shared characteristics. This allows you to focus your marketing efforts on a specific target audience rather than trying to appeal to everyone. Before you move forward with your marketing efforts, first identify your target audience. Like, who are you trying to reach? What are their needs and wants?

Once you have identified your target audience, you can create marketing campaigns specifically tailored to them. A clearly defined target audience will result in more effective marketing and ultimately lead to more enterprise ecommerce success.

Integrated marketing communications

The next step is to develop an integrated marketing communications (IMC) plan. For example, if you are launching a new enterprise ecommerce website, you need to make sure that all of your marketing efforts are working together to promote the launch. This means creating a consistent message and looking across all channels, including email, social media, e-commerce, etc. 

Ecommerce marketing is not a one-time event, but rather an ongoing process. By developing an IMC plan, you can ensure that all of your marketing efforts are working together to achieve your ecommerce marketing goals.

Lead nurturing and scoring

Just because someone visits your enterprise ecommerce website does not mean they are ready to buy, and most people require multiple touchpoints before making a purchase. Thus, it is important to plan how to nurture your leads and score them based on their level of interest. 

Lead nurturing is developing relationships with potential customers, even if they are not yet ready to buy. This can be done through targeted email campaigns, personalized content, and more. On the other hand, lead scoring is a way to prioritize your leads based on their likelihood of converting into enterprise ecommerce customers.

By nurturing your leads and scoring them, you can better focus your marketing efforts on those who are most likely to convert into enterprise ecommerce customers.

Advanced ecommerce solutions allow enterprise brands to take full advantage of their online sales potential. By offering built-in marketing tools, reporting engines and easy integrations with best-in-breed analytics and lead-generating software, advanced enterprise ecommerce platforms enable brands to design strategic marketing plans for exponential growth.

5 Enterprise Marketing strategies worth implementing

When it comes to marketing in the modern world, enterprises have to get creative. There are many moving parts, and it can be tough to keep up. Enterprise brand wants to connect with consumers on multiple platforms, both online and offline.

For this, they need to create compelling content that speaks to the audience's needs and interests, which should be accessible in real-time as the world around us continues to change rapidly. There are a lot of new strategies and technologies that can help boost your marketing efforts and help you reach a larger audience. 

Choosing the right mix of strategies is important to get the best results. Here are some enterprise marketing strategies worth implementing

Create the right brand tonality across channels

One of the most effective enterprise marketing strategies is to focus on creating a consistent brand message and tone across all channels. In today's world, potential customers can interact with brands through a variety of touchpoints, including social media, email, web content, and even in-person interactions. It's important that each of these touchpoints reinforce the same brand message and tone in order to create a cohesive brand identity.

Some key elements of creating the right brand tonality :

  • Keep your message clear and concise

  • Be consistent in your language, tone, and style (for example, logo, Business card, email signature...)

  • Use HD images and videos to help tell your story

  • Pay attention to the overall user experience

  • Make sure your overall brand identity is reflected in each touchpoint

StoreHippo's blog engine feature lets you easily manage and publish a variety of content for building your brand . This includes creating blog posts, optimizing them for search engine ranking with our inbuilt SEO feature to improve traffic to your website and thus begin with a well-rounded enterprise marketing strategy. 

StoreHippo comes with a powerful CMS that enables you to create a variety of landing and promotional pages further setting your brand pitch. With StoreHippo you can also integrate with various social media platforms to make your content sharable, which helps in lead capture.

Create conversion magnet landing pages 

A well-designed landing page can be an incredibly effective enterprise marketing tool that drives conversions, gets people to sign up for a newsletter, engages customers through informational content like white papers, and eventually nudges them towards making a purchase. Creating a high-converting landing page requires careful planning and attention to detail, but the effort is well worth it.

Some key elements of a high-converting landing page include:

  • A clear and concise headline that tells visitors what they can expect

  • Compelling images or videos

  • Concise and persuasive copy

  • A strong call-to-action (CTA) that encourages visitors to take the next step

  • A well-designed layout that's easy to navigate

By following ecommerce marketing best practices and creating high-quality landing pages, you can significantly increase conversions to your website. StoreHippo makes it easy for enterprise b2b brands to create various landing pages easily and quickly.  

With our easy-to-use and customizable dynamic page builder, you can quickly create beautiful pages optimized for conversion. You can also translate your landing pages into multiple languages with the help of our language translation feature to target a global audience. Besides that, StoreHippo has many beautifully designed, customizable and ready-to-use landing page themes to build marketing pages on the fly for enterprise marketing.

Personalize pricing and discounts 

Another great way to increase conversions on your enterprise ecommerce website is to personalize pricing and discounts for your visitors. By offering relevant discounts and pricing options, you can make it more likely that visitors will take the next step and make a purchase.

One way to personalize pricing and discounts is to use geo-targeting to show different prices and discounts based on the visitor's location. For example, you could offer a discount to visitors from a specific country or region. Like 20% off orders for customers from Germany and 15% off for customers from England.

Another way to personalize pricing is to use dynamic pricing, which automatically adjusts prices based on a number of factors, including the time of day, the visitor's location, order quantity etc.

Both these enterprise marketing strategies can be implemented using StoreHippo's unique pricing and discount features. StoreHippo offers a multi-pricing feature where you can override pricing based on the rules you set for different customer segments. Alternatively, you can also order specific discounts for certain regions or customer segments or simply give different pricing based on the IP locations of your customers.

The feature lets you easily create and manage pricing rules for your products, making it easy to offer personalized pricing and discounts to your visitors. Additionally, the global audience can pay in their own currency with the help of our multiple currency feature.

Persona-based marketing

Think like this: your enterprise ecommerce brand is launching a new product in the market and wants to get the message out there as fast as possible. You have created an ad campaign, and it's performing well, but you're not sure if you're reaching the right people. This is where persona-based marketing comes in.

Persona-based marketing is all about tailoring your marketing efforts to reach a specific type of customer, known as a buyer persona. By understanding your buyer persona, you can create marketing campaigns and messages more likely to resonate with them.

Some key elements of persona-based marketing include:

  • Conducting research to understand your buyer persona

  • Creating targeted content that speaks to your buyer persona

  • Using marketing channels that reach your buyer persona

  • Measuring and tracking your results

If you want to increase conversions on your website, then persona-based enterprise marketing is a strategy you should consider. And StoreHippo makes it really easy to implement this strategy with its powerful headless eCommerce platform. The decoupled headless architecture gives marketers and developers greater freedom and control to implement strategies for business growth. 

StoreHippo with its unique features like inbuilt marketing tools, dynamic marketing pages etc.  lets, you quickly create and deploy targeted marketing pages to bolster your persona-based enterprise marketing efforts. Moreover, with StoreHippo makes checkouts faster and frictionless on your enterprise ecommerce website with its "easy checkout" feature and a host of payment options. 

Connect directly with customers 

Who doesn't want a bot that engages with the customers on your behalf? Or a tool that sends automated emails to your customers after an abandoned cart? Well, though not considered direct marketing, these simple steps can take your brand leagues ahead of competitors when backed by data-driven enterprise marketing strategies. 

This is all about building a rapport with your customers. By building a relationship with your customers, you can create loyalty and trust, two important factors influencing conversion rates.

Some ways to connect with your customers include:

  • Offering multi-channel customer support

  • Real-time notifications to help them checkout faster

  • Sending abandoned cart emails

  • Engaging on social media platforms

  • Asking for customer feedback

With StoreHippo, you can do all this with its inbuilt marketing tools like abandoned cart, enabling your enterprise ecommerce brand to set up automated emails for customers who have abandoned their cart. StoreHippo also enables brands to integrate with a variety of chatbots, live chat software and other customer engagement tools.

StoreHippo's unified notifications system lets you manage all your customer interactions from a single platform. So, whether it's an abandoned cart email or a real-time notification, it can all be taken care of with ease. 

You can also use these tools to implement segmented ecommerce marketing strategies. For example, you could create a segment for first-time buyers, send them a discount code via email, and encourage them to return and make a purchase. For the other customer segment, you can send push notifications in real time and nudge them towards conversion. This omnichannel approach to enterprise marketing lets you connect with your customers in multiple ways and creates a rapport that leads to conversions.

Use tech to advantage 

Technology has revolutionized the marketing landscape, and there's no going back. With the right tools, you can automate your marketing efforts, reach more people, and track your results like never before.

Some essential marketing tools that every business should have include:

  • An ecommerce marketing platform: to sell online

  • A CRM system: to manage your customers and sales

  • An email marketing tool: to send automated emails

  • Analytics and reporting tool

  • Engagement tools

StoreHippo is a complete enterprise ecommerce solution with everything you need to run and grow your business. It comes with a gamut of built-in marketing features, and integrates seamlessly with best-in-class marketing and analytics tools to give a winning edge to your enterprise marketing efforts. From creating your enterprise ecommerce store in record time to selling on multiple channels,  StoreHippo helps you leverage technology to ace the marketing game. Built on the cutting-edge technology stack, Storehippo makes it possible for brands to create innovative marketing strategies that maximize enterprise marketing  ROI. 

How StoreHippo can help with enterprise marketing strategies for proven success 

Undoubtedly, competition in the enterprise marketing landscape is only getting fiercer. You'll need to get creative and think outside the box with your marketing strategy to emerge victorious. But where do you even begin? Luckily, StoreHippo is here to help. 

The platform provides everything you need to create a successful online store, including enterprise marketing tools and features. With StoreHippo, you have access to powerful ecommerce marketing features that will help you reach your target audience and boost sales.

Ready to grow your  enterprise ecommerce brand with new-age marketing tools and strategies? Schedule a free demo with StoreHippo experts to learn how Storehippo helps you take your enterprise ecommerce brand to the next level.

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These enterprise marketing strategies are tried and true! 🌟 Thanks for sharing these proven success tips.

By: Girik Reddy
Sep 21, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Girik, thanks for appreciating our blog on 5 Tested Enterprise Marketing Strategies For Proven Success. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Sep 20, 2023

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I found StoreHippo's post on enterprise marketing strategies to be really insightful. Their tips on using user-generated content and influencer marketing are definitely worth considering.

By: Prayag Mishra
May 10, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Prayag, thanks for appreciating our blog on 5 Tested Enterprise Marketing Strategies For Proven Success. If you need our help setting up your store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - May 09, 2023

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Enterprise marketing strategies are different as they require more of a multipronged approach. Informative blog on marketing tactics, looking forward to reading more articles on this blog.

By: Aradhana Choudhary
Feb 23, 2023   Reply

Replies :
Hi Aradhana, thanks for appreciating our blog on 5 Tested Enterprise Marketing Strategies For Proven Success. If you need our help setting up an online store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Feb 22, 2023

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The marketing strategies differ for the enterprise brands, much more different from smaller or mid size brands. This article explains in detail the different marketing strategies that brands can implement to maximize their conversions.

By: Virat Vaswani
Dec 20, 2022   Reply

Replies :
Hi Virat, thanks for appreciating our blog on 5 Tested Enterprise Marketing Strategies For Proven Success. If you need our help setting up an online store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Dec 19, 2022

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Very well written and elaborated article! The mentioned marketing strategies looks like a good try for enterprise brands

By: Pradeep Malwani
Nov 23, 2022   Reply

Replies :
Hi Priyank, thanks for appreciating our blog on 5 Tested Enterprise Marketing Strategies For Proven Success. If you need our help setting up an online store, feel free to contact us. For more ecommerce related information, keep checking the StoreHippo blog! Team StoreHippo - Nov 22, 2022

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