5 Marketing Hacks For Successful B2C E-Commerce Businesses

By | Jul 01, 2021 | 1 Comments | 927 views |
  • 5 Marketing Hacks For Successful B2C E-Commerce Businesses

Aiming to build a million-dollar B2C ecommerce business? Looking for effective marketing hacks to accelerate your net revenue? 

I know, you must have heard a lot of marketing consultants recommending Facebook ads and Google ads as the only way to attract consistent sales. However, they will never suggest an organic and less expensive way of bringing business. 

Side Note: Yes, digital ads are effective and affordable, but you need a high level of expertise; or say, hire skilled marketers to create high ROI Ad campaigns. This further adds to cost.

But you don't have to spend millions of dollars on ads. As of today, I am going to deep dive into B2C ecommerce marketing practice, which a non-marketer can easily implement.

Below are 5 marketing hacks that can blow your B2C ecommerce store sales.

5 Profit-making marketing hacks for successful B2C e-commerce businesses

1. Create persuasive product pages for quick conversions

Want to push your site visitors to buy? Focus on creating a high converting product, here are few best practices that have generated results to B2C online stores- 

  • Create Actionable Call to action buttons

CTA button is a word/phrase (that has a hyperlink) that motivates a user to take action i.e. to buy or checkout or add to cart. A CTA can take a user from the product page to your payment page or checkout page or cart page. Use your creative senses when making CTA buttons. Here are captivating CTA buttons examples. 

  1. Sign up/Log in

  2. Claim 10% discount / Send Gift Card

  3. Add to my Cart

  4. Buy Now / Shop Now 

  5. Get Free Membership 

Advice: CTA button color should catch the buyer’s attention.

  • Include Convincing Products Description

Product descriptions can vary from industry to industry. 

For B2C ecommerce apparel store: Include product colors, sizes, fabric material, Delivery dates, design, length of cloth, etc. 

For B2C Home-decor store: Include size, quantity, raw material used, returns and exchange policy, color, other features, etc. 

For B2C ecommerce Electronic store: Include technical specifications, return and refund policy, warranty, brand information, etc.

For Grocery Store: Include product weight, ingredients, brand details, Nutritional Facts, expiry date, manufacturer name. 

Customer reviews play an important role in customer buying decisions. Displaying reviews on your B2C ecommerce website can increase conversions by 270% (Spiegel). In a survey, 79% said that they trust reviews as much as they trust personal recommendations.

How to create conversion-friendly product pages with StoreHippo? 

With the StoreHippo ecommerce platform, creating pages is like a cakewalk. Because you get access to pre-design and customizable themes. This means you don’t need design experience. 

With drag and drop functionality, you can quickly design a page, by replacing/adding the elements in pre-designed templates. Additionally, all the themes are device responsive and load fast on all devices.

2. Do advance Seo to turn Google into a revenue source

Want to make Google a major channel of revenue? Want to secure first-page ranking for transactional keywords on Google? SEO is the answer. Let’s explore 4 practical SEO tips to get noticeable web traffic.

Goal: Website traffic, search visibility & Google ranking

  • Keyword Research

Find keywords/search queries that customers are searching to find your products. Best to find keywords are Google keyword planner, UberSuggest, etc

  • Blogging

Start writing articles, blogs, and FAQs related to products/niche/industry. Try to address common customer questions/doubts related to your product via blogs. 

  • Keywords Optimization

After finding relevant keywords, use them in your blogs, product pages, About us page, titles, alt text, meta description, etc. This is called keyword optimization.

  • On-page Optimization

This includes perfecting the content, images, website speed, keywords density, meta tags, URLs, header tags, etc to gain traffic and high rankings.

  • Link Building

Practice of gaining traffic and awareness by placing a webpage link in third-party website content. You first have to research relevant sites and have to reach out to them for link placement.

SEO can swirl the minds of B2C ecommerce owners. But with SEO-friendly platforms like StoreHippo, you simplify technical parts of SEO. Our SEO tools allow you to create unique URLs, titles, meta descriptions, keywords directly from your admin dashboard

For quick indexation on Google, you can automatically generate an XML sitemap in minutes. Interested in writing blogs related to products? StoreHippo has a Blog Engine that lets you post blogs quickly.

3. Introduce loyalty schemes & discounts to bring customers attention

50% on latest hoodies, Buy 1 get a free gift, Shop for Rs 1500, and collect 1500 loyalty points. Can you resist such offers? No way! 

Offers act as a sales magnet, which has the potential to blow your B2C ecommerce sales and customer loyalty. 

Advice: Before you go forward with offers, keep in mind that offers will only bring you results when you ensure 100% customer satisfaction.

Create Irresistible offers with StoreHippo

StoreHippo helps you create discount codes via backend tools. B2C ecommerce owners can roll out a variety of offers at product and cart level, along with the option to set offer expiry dates.

To share the created offers with your customer, StoreHippo has an inbuilt notification sending tool for one-click sending.

4. Invest in email marketing and push notifications for consistent sales

Email marketing and push notification are the best way to personalize with your audience and drive sales if leveraged correctly. 

Why is email marketing important? How to write effective emails?

Because 50.7% of customers feel that marketing emails impact their purchase decision. The conversion rate from emails stood at 15% in 2021, which is impressive.

What is the best time to send emails?

The perfect days to send emails are Tuesday and Thursday, as revealed in a Source. However, you should always experiment and test which days work well for you.

Why is push notification important? How to make high rewarding push notifications? 

Push notifications can increase customer retention rate by 3-8 times. It was seen that 65% of app users return back to the app after the push is enabled. (source)

Push notification should be Hyper-targeted and actionable. Let’s look at best practices to create rewarding notifications-

Step1: Segment of users based on their likes, demographics. Put users into one category that displays similar demographics or buying behavior. Send personalized offers on the products, which they have shopped or browsed, earlier.

Step2: Make use of actionable words, include customer name, create urgency and make it time-sensitive for a higher open rate.

What is the best time to send notifications?

Send push notifications when your audience is free from work and is not sleeping. It can be anywhere between 10 AM and 9 PM. 

How to create emails and push notifications using StoreHippo?

StoreHippo ecommerce platform allows you to integrate any email marketing tool like Mailchimp, Sendingrid, etc. The tools have readymade, customizable templates which can be edited with drag and drop feature.

For creating notifications, StoreHippo provides default notification templates that can be tweaked as per your goals. 

5. Mobile marketing

It is your website mobile responsive? Does your B2C ecommerce site load fast on mobile? Why I am asking these questions is because mobile ecommerce marketing is impossible without a mobile-ready site. 

What is mobile marketing? 

Practice of reaching the customers directly on their mobiles via a website and mobile app. Mobile ecommerce marketing leverage SMS notifications, personalized push notifications, device-responsive landing pages, mobile-responsive email templates, etc to increase mobile user engagement.

To increase mobile checkouts and purchases, many marketers prefer integrating mobile wallets for quick payments. 

Statistics: In 2021, mobile ecommerce sales are expected to make $3.5 trillion, which is 73% of total ecommerce sales.

Simplify Mobile Marketing With Storehippo

StoreHippo leverages PWA architecture to build mobile-friendly sites that work like apps, which improve conversions. Get access to 100+ mobile-responsive themes and templates. For quick checkouts, we have pre-integrated mobile payment gateways for your store. Create iOS & Android apps at no extra cost with StoreHippo mobile app builder.

Final Takeaways 

Get successful in bringing new visitors, converting them into customers, and retaining them for lifelong with these 5 B2C ecommerce marketing strategies.

If you ignore any one of them, you are leaving high cash on the table. Start your customer acquisition journey today by implementing the above marketing strategies via your ecommerce platform

Planning to open a B2C ecommerce store and need an ecommerce platform suggestion? Then, StoreHippo can surely help you in building a beautiful store in a few days. Get started with a 14 days free trial of StoreHippo to experience its rich user interface and other advanced features.

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There are endless marketing "techniques" and hacks when it comes to B2C ecommerce marketing but there are always the basics that when stuck to can yield pretty amazing results. This blog article elaborates on those basic techniques that even a non marketer can implement. Very informative article, keep it up!

By: Sanjay Sindhwani
Aug 23, 2022   Reply

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