5 Design Tips to Improve Mobile Ecommerce Conversions

By | Jun 10, 2020 | 1 Comments | 924 views |
  • 5 Design Tips to Improve Mobile Ecommerce Conversions

Everyone has witnessed the growth of ecommerce and internet which has made online selling the most popular trend. So, there are valid reasons to emphasize on M-commerce as more than half of the internet traffic shops from their smartphones.  Today, billions of people are using their smartphones to shop online. Tailing ecommerce, the concept of mobile ecommerce came in. 

Surely, Mobile commerce is on the peak of ecommerce industry and will continue to grow in the coming years. Take a look at this if you are still not sure about improving the experience of customers. 

Despite M-commerce becoming so important for consumers, half of the retails are not yet responsive. It means that most of the shoppers are zooming, pinching and twisting their phones to see the products on the website. 

So, how can you engage and convert your customers on mobile? Here are the top 5 design tips for a responsive and engaging site and get most of your online store.

1. Be smart about design and navigation

The content, design, navigation are the three pillars of a mobile app and helps big time in converting the traffic. The layout of the mobile commerce store should be adapted in such a manner that it displays the catchiest information on the top. You have the opportunity to impress each and every customer visiting your site but the point is – you have only the first 10 seconds to do it. If your customers get confused with complex designs, they are most likely to switch to another site.

Moreover, the design theme of the mobile commerce store should look good aesthetically and responsive to varied device sizes. The product images should be clear with different views to help the customers make their buying decisions easily.

Considering the navigation of the site, the “hamburger” menu is one of the most popular design trends.  So, this design indicates three lines that look like hamburger and when the customer clicks on it, the complete navigation menu expands. If you have many products and categories, this option serves the best.

Get a rich library of design themes that is fully responsive and makes your site more appealing to your customers with StoreHippo.


2. Retargeting of users

Many customers browse the site, add the products to the cart, but do not make the payment or complete their purchase. Have you ever wondered why?

So, there can be an end number of reasons like late delivery, surge delivery prices, waiting for some discount offers, comparing your products with the competitors etc. But with the best mobile ecommerce solution, you can convert these incomplete purchases into sales.

Its advanced features help you to retarget the customers with personalized offers and boost the conversion rates of your site. For example, you can send push notifications to send customized deals and cross-selling offers to the customers. StoreHippo offers a state-of-the-art mobile commerce platform to improve conversion rates of your site. The stores powered by StoreHippo work seamlessly across different devices along with the accessibility of progressive web apps to offer an ecommerce website look to the mobile apps while retaining the customers on different platforms.


3. Harness the power of search

Consumers usually come to your website with the intention of browsing or buying the products from the shopping sites. So, it is important to cater to both these needs of customers and the power of search allows you to do that perfectly.

To keep your browsers and buyers satisfied, the on-the-go search options are very useful. So, it is important to prioritize the results of searched keywords as accurately as possible. The key here is to organize your content according to the keyword trends. With the knowledge of on-demand product categories and advanced mobile commerce technology, you can tailor the search results on specific keywords.

The sites that use semantic search can handle this challenge. StoreHippo can help in reducing the shopping cart abandonment while maintaining the advanced search options for your site. For example, if a user wants to buy polka-dotted dresses on an online store, the search functionality should be able to present the products like “polka-dotted tops”, “polka-dotted dresses” by just typing the keyword “dresses”.


4. No-hassles checkout

It is very important to keep your checkout page simple and easy for the customers. Of course, you would not like your customers to get distracted or take them away from completing the purchases. An effective ecommerce solution can help you to improve your checkout page conversions.

In addition, get rid of all the unnecessary fields that are not required to complete the purchase. Many users log into the site via cross platforms like Facebook. To retain them, include a minimal clicks checkout and never frustrate your customers. The best mobile ecommerce solution allows you to complete the purchase, retarget the customers from cross platforms, reduce shopping cart abandonment, minimize the number of clicks or taps for checkout, and much more for your site. It's super important to keep the focus completely on the purchase, especially when the customers are in the right frame of mind to buy the products.


5. Visually point out calls-to-action

Call-to-action is the most important part of your site as it acts as a primary guide for your customers. The rightly placed CTAs leads the customers to the place where you want them to be redirected. However, the call-to-action is worthless if the customer does not come across it ever.

It is necessary to use directional cues to guide the customers where the call-to-action is placed. For example, the home page of the website indicates the button “Get started” at the top and showcase the necessary action for the customers. The mobile commerce solution ensures that all the content, design, navigation, and call-to-actions are placed strategically along with the consideration of marketing tactics. This automates all your ecommerce business and marketing operations to attract and retain the customers in the best possible ways.

Make these conversion-boosting changes in your mobile ecommerce sites and start maximizing your sales. Schedule a Demo with the best ecommerce platform to offer a unique, flexible, and intuitive experience to your customers. 

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